Сеник София
Профессиональные интересы: История Церкви
Конфессии: Православие
Библиография работ автора:
- "The Eucharistic Liturgy in Ruthenian Church Practice", Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 51 (1985) 123-155.
- "Methodius Terlec'kyj-Bishop of Xolm", Analecta OSBM, 18 (1985) 342-373.
- "The Sources of the Spirituality of St Josaphat Kuncevyč", Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 51 (1985) 425-436.
- "The Education of the Secular Clergy in the Ruthenian Church before the Nineteenth Century", Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 53 (1987) 387-416.
- "Латинізація в Українській Католицькій Церкві", ЗбірникпрацьЮвілейногоКонґресу. Мюнхен 1988/1989. p.269-286.
- "L'hésychasme dans le monachisme ukrainien", Irénikon, 1989, p.172-212.
- "L'Église catholique ukrainienne en Pologne", Irénikon, 1989, p.407-412 (with Ihor Harasym).
- "The Ukrainian Church and Latinization", Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 56 (1990) 165-187.
- "Le métropolite André Šeptyc'kyj. Dimension spirituelle de sa vie et de son oeuvre", Irénikon, 1991, p.57-71.
- "L'esicasmo nel mondo ucraino prima di Paisij Velichkovskij: Le testimonianza della letteratura monastica". Amore del bello. Studi sulla Filocalia. Bose 1991. p.277-290.
- "Uniatism and Universalism in the Life and Activity of Metropolitan Joseph Veljamyn Rutskyj". Il battesimo delle terre russe. Firenze 1991. p.335-344.
- "Vicissitudes de l'Union de Brest au XVIIe siècle", Irénikon, 1992, 4:462-487.
- A History of the Church in Ukraine, Vol. I: To the End of the Thirteenth Century (Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 243; Roma 1993).
- "A Ukrainian in Thessalonica: Some Notes on Religious Customs", Euloghma. Studies in honor of Robert Taft, S.J. (Studia Anselmiana, 110). Roma 1993. P.485-495.
- "A Man between East and West: Philip Orlyk and Church Life in Thessalonica in the 1720s", Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 60 (1994) 159-185.
- "Interritual Participation in the Sacraments: An Example from Ruthenian Lands", Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 60 (1994) 563-585
- "Religious Drama in Ruthenian Churches (Seventeenth Century)". AION. Slavistica, 2 (1994) 165-174.
- "Nil Sorskij in terre ucraino-bielorusse". Nil Sorskij e l'esicasmo. Bose 1995. P.151- 158.
- "Два митрополити - Потій i Рутський". Історичний контекст, укладенняБерестейської унії iперше поунійне покоління. Львів 1995. P.137-148.
- "The Background of the Union of Brest", Analecta OSBM, 21 (1996) 103-144.
- "L'autre monachisme: Saint Séraphim de Sarov et la communauté de Divéyevo", Irénikon, 1997, 1:5-28.
- In Russian: "Иноe монашество: преподобный Серафим и Дивеевская община", Странницы, 2 (1997), вып. 4:560-564.
- In Italian: "L'altro monachesimo: San Serafim e la comunità di Diveevo", San Serafim: Da Sarov a Diveevo. Bose 1998. P.99-125.
- "Берестейська унія i світське духовенство: наслідки унії в перших поколіннях", Берестейська унія та внутрішнє життя церкви в XVIIстоліті. Львів 1997. P.55-77.
- "A Married Clergy: Observance of the Norms Regulating the Marriage of Priests in the Ruthenian Uniate Church", Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 64 (1998)175-192
- "Брестская уния: подведение итогов", 400 Брестской церковной унии 1596-1996. Критическая переоценка. Сборник материалов международного симпозиума Неймеген, Голландия. Приложение к журналу «Страницы». Москва 1998. 13-28.
- "Il monachesimo secondo Taisija di Leušino", La grande vigilia. Bose 1998. 121-150.
- "The Union of Brest: an Evaluation", Four Hundred Years Union of Brest (1596-1996). A Critical Re-Evaluation. Leuven 1998. 1-16.
- "Aspects of a Common but Not Shared Experience", Annuncio del Vangelo nell'Europa Centro-Orientale. Warszawa 1999. 637-651.
- "A Victim to Nationalism. The Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Its Own Words", Het Christelijk Oosten, 1999, 3-4:167-187.
- "A Response to a Response", Het Christelijk Oosten, 53 (2001) 143-148.
- "Basilio nel monachesimo russo", Basilio tra Oriente e Occidente. Comunità di Bose 2001. 143-164.
- Manjava Skete. Ukrainian onastic Writings of the Seventeenth Century. Kalamazoo 2001.
- In Italian: Ignazio e Teodosio di Manjava. Sottomessi all'evangelo. Iov e lo skyt di Manjava. S. Senyk, ed. Comunità di Bose 2001.
- In Romanian: Isihasm şi viaţă monahală la Schitul Mare Maniava din Pocuţia în secolul XVII (Sibiu 2004).
- "Search for Holiness and Pastoral Care: Metropolitan Innocent of Moscow (1797-1879)", St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 45:3 (2001) 265-283
- "Ricerca della santità e cura pastorale. Il santo vescovo Innokentij Veniaminov", Forme della santità russa (Comunità di Bose 2002), 229-254
- "Monachesimo e società nella Russia moderna. L'accompagnamento spirituale", Vie del monachesimo russo (Comunità di Bose 2002), 223-245
- "The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Today: Universal Values versus Nationalist Doctrines", Religion, State & Society, 30/4 (2002) 317-332
- "Becoming a Priest. The Appointment and Ordination of Priests in the Orthodox Church in Ukraine in the Eighteenth Century", Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 69 (2003) 125-151
- "Un ministero monastico: la paternità spirituale a Optina", Optina Pustyn' e la paternità spirituale (Comunità di Bose 2003) 135-156
- "Schools for Priests: Orthodox Education in Eighteenth-Century Ukraine", Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 70 (2004) 289-312
- "For the Beauty of God's House: Notes on Icon Vestments and Decorations in the Ruthenian Church", Letters from Heaven: Popular Religion in Russia and Ukraine, ed. John-Paul Himka, Andriy Zayarnyuk (Toronto 2006), 201-234
- "Religious Conflict in Dnepr Ukraine in the 18th Century", Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 73 (2007) 5-59
- "Preaching in the Ruthenian Orthodox Church before 1800", Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 74 (2008) 283-320