Иерей Алексий (Джамбул) Кшуташвили - клирик Грузинской Православной Церкви, доктор богословия (PhD), профессор Тбилисской духовной академии.
Родился 25 января 1973 г. В 1992-1996 гг. обучался в Тбилисской духовной семинарии. В 1997 году поступил в Тбилисскую духовную академию, после чего был направлен для обучения на факультет православного богословия Бухарестского государственного университета.
В 1997-2001 гг. обучался в бакалавриате факультета православного богословия Бухарестского государственного университета.
В 2001-2003 гг. обучался в магистратуре факультета православного богословия Бухарестского государственного университета.
В 2004-2007 гг. обучался в докторантуре факультета православного богословия Бухарестского государственного университета, где защитил докторскую диссертацию (PhD).
C 2007 г. является редактором журнала "Детская библейская энциклопедия".
С 2010 г. работает редактором богословского журнала “Pheritsvaleba”.
С 2007 г. является профессором канонического права Тбилисской духовной академии.С 2009 г. занимает должность доцента канонического права Грузинского университета св. Андрея.
С марта 2010 г. является доцентом канонического права Сухумского государственного университета.
С 2011 г. занимает должность доцента канонического права Университета Грузии.
С марта 2008 г. руководит департаментом по контактам с грузинскими общинами за границей Грузинского Патриархата.
Владеет грузинским, русским, румынским и английским языками.
Избранная библиография
1. “The Orthodox Canonic Law about the mysteries of Heterodox” – in the Bucharest State University Scientific Magazine “Studii Teologice”,seria a II-a, anul LV, nr. 3-4, iulie-decembrie, 2003, p. 95-122;
2. ”The Status of the Georgian Orthodox Church. Canonic Research” - in the Bucharest State University Scientific Magazine “Studii Teologice”, nr. 1, 2007, p.59-95;
3. “The Role of the Georgian Church in the State Legislative and Judicial System in the Middle Ages. Relations between Church and State” – in the Collection of scientific articles ,„Omagiu Profesorului Nicolae V. Dură la 60 de ani”, Editura Arhiepiscopiei Tomisului, 2006, p. 1414-1425;
4. “Conscience, religion and belief rights in Georgia in the XX century” – in the Constanta State University “Ovidius” Scientific Magazine Analele Universităţii „Ovidius” Constanţa,Seria: Drept şi Ştiinţe Administrative, Ovidius University Press, Constanţa, 2005, nr. 3, p. 193-204;
5. “Freedom of speech and religion in Georgia in the communist period” - in the Constanta State University “Ovidius” Scientific Magazine Analele Universităţii „Ovidius” Constanţa,Seria: Drept şi Ştiinţe Administrative, nr. 1, 2006, p. 317-327;
6. “The Relations between State and Chuurch of Georgia in the post-communist period” – in the Constanta State University “Ovidius” Scientific Magazine Analele Universităţii „Ovidius” Constanţa,Seria: Drept şi Ştiinţe Administrative, nr. 1, 2007, p. 236-256;
7. Review for the 60 year Anniversary of Professor Nicolae V. Dura – in the Constanta State University “Ovidius” Scientific MagazineAnalele Universităţii „Ovidius” Constanţa,Seria: Teologie, nr. 1, 2006, p. 313-319;
8. “The Place of Georgian Orthodox Church in Diptych” - in the Constanta State University “Ovidius” Scientific Magazine Analele Universităţii „Ovidius” Constanţa,Seria: Teologie, nr. 1, 2007, p. 304-314;
9. “Georgian Orthodox Church in the I-III centuries – Historical and Canonical Research” – in the Constanta State University “Ovidius” Scientific Magazine „Sfântul Apostol Andrei;
10. “Blessing Holy Chrism in Georgia” -in the Constanta State University “Ovidius” Scientific Magazine „Sfântul Apostol Andrei;
11. “Religion as a Subject in the Program of State General educational schools – Necessary attribute in Democratic Society” – in Scientific Magazine “Logos”, No. 5, 2008, p. 225-232;
12. „Georgian Church and the State in the Context of International Law” – in the Iv. Javakhishvili State University Scientific Magazine „Religia”. No. 1, 2008, p. 50-60;
13. “St. Antimos Iverian – The Greatest Politician and Thinker” – in Scientific Magazine Proceeding of Tbilisi Theological Academy, No. 1, 2009, p. 148-158;
14. „The Relations between State and Church of Georgia in the Middle Ages – An Unique Symbiosis of Eastern and Western Canonical Principles” – in Sulkhan Saba Orbeliani University of Humanities, A collection of Critical Essays “Christianity of East and West”, Tbilisi, 2009, p. 406-421;
15. „Historical-Canonic Principles of Georgian Orthodox Church’s Apostolic Status” – in the Iv. Javakhishvili State University Scientific Magazine „Religia”. No. 3, 2011, p. 30-42;
16. „Filthiness of a Woman – Orthodox Christian Canonic-Anthropological Analysis” – in the Iv. Javakhishvili State University Scientific Magazine “Christian Researches”. No. 6, 2011, p. 246-261.
Выступления на конфренциях и семинарах
2005, May 23, Romania, Constanta; International Symposium ”The main Human Rights and their Legal Protection”; Theme of the report: “Conscience, religion and belief rights in Georgia in the XX century”;
2006, June 8, Romania, Constanta; International Symposium “Freedom of speech and religion”; Theme of the report: “Freedom of speech and religion in Georgia in the communist period”;
2007, May 30, Romania, Constanta; International Symposium “Law and Theology, and their influence on modern society”;Theme of the report: “The Relations Between State and Church of Georgia in the post-communist period”;
2007, May 31, Romania, Constanta; International Symposium “European citizenship and national citizenship”; Theme of the report: “The conditions ofGeorgian citizens in the Russian Federation”;
2008, May 5, Georgia, Tbilisi; International Conference in the Iv. Javakhishvili State University. Theme: “Georgia and Europe – Philosophical and Cultural Dialogue”, dedicated to St. Antimos Iverian; Theme of the report: “Thestatutes of the Monastery of Antimos Iverian – The monument of the 18th century church law”;
2008, July 3, Romania, Constanta; International Symposium “The status of the Monotheistic Religions in the EU Member States”; Theme of the report: “Religion as a Subject in the Program of State General educational schools – Necessary attribute in Democratic Society”;
2008, July 4, Romania, Constanta; International Symposium “European citizenship and national citizenship”; Theme of the report: “The Separatist Regimes of Abkhazia and South Ossetia – Risk factor for the security of the EU Member citizens”;
2008, October 9-10, Georgia, Tbilisi; International Centre for Christian Studies at the Orthodox Church of Georgia and Gelati Academy of Sciences; 3rd International Symposium “Dialogue of Civilizations – Education and Enlightenment as Means of Collaboration of Sides”; Theme of the report: “Religion as a Subject in the Program of State General educational schools – Necessary attribute in Democratic Society”;
2009, February 25, Georgia, Tbilisi Theological Academy; Anniversary Scientific Conference; Theme of the report: “St. Antimos Iverian – The Greatest Politician and Thinker”;
2011, October 10-11, Romania, Constanta; International Symposium “The Institution of Marriage in the Three Monotheistic Religions”; Theme of the report: “The Status of a Woman under the Old Georgian Canonic Law”;
2011, November 1-3, Romania, Bucharest; The International Theological Congress “The Christian Family, a Blessing for the Church and the Society”; Theme of the report: “Women’s rights according to the Medieval Georgian Legislation”.