Родился в Хьюстоне. Последовательно проходил обучение в Вашингтоне (бакалавр), Беркли (диплом по изучению англиканизма), Йельской богословской школе (магистр) и Университете Нотр Дам (PhD).
Является преподавателем раннехристианского богословия и современного англиканизма в Йельском университете.
В 2010 году опубликовал монографию "Gregory of Nazianzus on the Trinity and the Knowledge of God" (Oxford University Press), за которую получил премию Фонда им. Дж. Темплтона.
Готовятся к публикации еще две его монографии: "The Unity of Christ: Continuity and Conflict in Ptristic Tradition" (Yale University Press, 2012) и "Pastoral Leadership: Wisdom from the Early Chruch" (Eerdmans Publishing, 2012). Является соредактором журнала "Toward a Theology of Leadership", специального приложения к "Англиканскому богословскому обозрению".
Занимал пост "Североамериканского патристического общества" и "Американского общества по изучению церковной истории".
Является священником Епископальной церкви США.
Gregory of Nazianzus on the Trinity and the Knowledge of God: In Your Light We Shall See Light. Oxford Studies in Historical Theology. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. Winner, 2010 John Templeton Award for Theological Promise. Sample reviews: TheoStud 71.2 (2010), 455-57; JTS 61.1 (2010), 352-55; ConvRel&Theo 8.2 (2010), 171-83; JEH 60.4 (2009), 766-68.
The Unity of Christ: Continuity and Conflict in Patristic Tradition. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, forthcoming 2012.
Pastoral Leadership: Wisdom from the Early Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing, forthcoming 2012.
Toward a Theology of Leadership. Edited with Joseph Britton, Special Issue of the Anglican Theological Review, 91.1: Winter 2009.
Re-Reading Gregory of Nazianzus: Essays in Honor of Frederick W. Norris. Edited. CUAP Studies in Early Christianity. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, completed and under review.
“The Early Christological Controversy: Apollinarius, Diodore, and Gregory Nazianzen.” Vigiliae Christianae 65.2 (2011): 1-32.
“The Holy Spirit in the Cappadocians: Past and Present.” Modern Theology 26.1 (2010): 90-119.
“Eusebius Contra Marcellum: Anti-Modalist Doctrine and Orthodox Christology.” Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 12.3 (2009): 433-52.
“Cyril of Alexandria and Gregory of Nazianzus: Tradition and Complexity in Patristic Christology.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.3 (2009): 381-419.
“Theology and Pastoral Leadership.” In Toward a Theology of Leadership, ed. Christopher A. Beeley and Joseph H. Britton. Anglican Theological Review 91.1 (2009): 11-30.
“The Holy Spirit in Gregory Nazianzen: The Pneumatology of Oration 31.” In God in Early Christian Thought: Essays in Memory of Lloyd G. Patterson, ed. Andrew B. McGowan, Brian E. Daley, S.J., and Timothy J. Gaden, 151-62. Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 94. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2009.
“Gregory of Nazianzus on the Unity of Christ.” In In the Shadow of the Incarnation: Essays on Jesus Christ in the Early Church in Honor of Brian E. Daley, SJ, ed. Peter Martens, 97-120. South Bend, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2008. Reviewed in JEH 61 (2010): 349; JTS 60 (2009): 670; JECS 18 (2010): 329.
“Divine Causality and the Monarchy of God the Father in Gregory of Nazianzus.” In Sarah Coakley, ed., Harvard Theological Review 100.2 (2007): 199–214.