Бренк Ф.
Профессиональные интересы: Всеобщая история, Литературоведение, Библеистика
Конфессии: Католичество
Краткая биографическая справка:
Профессор Папского института "Библикум".
Обучался в Marquette University (1947-1951), где получил степень бакалавра гуманитарных наук.
Проходил обучение в St. Louis University (1954-1957, 1960-1964), где окончил магистратуру по литературе и богословию.
В Кэмбриджском университете в 1965-1970 гг. также изучал литературу в магистратуре.
В 1971 г. защитил докторскую диссертацию в Университете Кентукки.
Специалист в области античной культуры и литературы.
Библиография работ автора:
- In Mist Apparelled. Religious Themes in Plutarch’s Moralia and Lives. Mnemosyne Supplement 48 (Brill, Leiden 1977) xii 306 pp.
- Relighting the Souls. Studies in Plutarch, in Greek Literature, Religion, and Philosophy, and in the New Testament Background (Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 1998) 420 pp.
- Clothed in Purple Light. Studies in Vergil and in Latin Literature, Including Aspects of Philosophy, Religion, Magic, Judaism, and the New Testament Background (Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 1999) 256 pp.
- With Unperfumed Voice. Studies in Plutarch, in Greek Literature, Religion and Philosophy, and in the New Testament Background. (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 21) (Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2007) 544 pp.
- Forthcoming: Plutarch, Amatorius (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics, Imperial Writers ) (Cambridge University Press) with Aristoula Georgiadou.
Под редакцией
- F. E. Brenk, I. Gallo, eds., Miscellanea Plutarchea. International Plutarch Society. Sezione Italiana. Atti del I Convegno di Studi su Plutarco (Roma, 23 novembre 1985). Quaderni del Giornale Filologico Ferrarese 8 (Ferrara 1986) 146 pp. (Financed by the Italian National Research Council [CNR]).
- M. Marcovich, F. E. Brenk, J. P. Hershbell, P. A. Stadter, Plutarch. Robert Flacelière (1904-1982). In Memoriam (Illinois Classical Studies XIII.2) (Ithaca 1989) pp. x, 310.
- Forthcoming: Biblical and New Testament Genres and Themes in the Context of Greco-Roman Literature (to be published by Brill in the Novum Testamentum Supplement series) (as editor with David Aune).
Обширные статьи
- «In the Light of the Moon: Demonology in the Early Imperial Period», in H. Temporini and W. Haase, eds., Religion. (Heidentum: Römische Religion, Allgemeines [Forts.]) Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt. II.16.3 (De Gruyter, Berlin/New York 1986) 2068-2145; Indices, Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt II.36.2 (1987) 1283-1299.
- «An Imperial Heritage: The Religious Spirit of Plutarch of Chaironeia», W. Haase and H. Temporini, eds., Philosophie, Wissenschaft. Technik. 2. Philosophie (Platonismus [Forts.]; Aristotelismus). Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt II.36.1 (De Gruyter, Berlin/New York 1987), 248-349; Indices, Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen WeltII.36.2 (1987) 1300-1322.
- «Plutarch’s Life `Markos Antonios’: A Literary and Cultural Study», in W. Haase, ed., Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt. The Rise and Decline of the Roman World. Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung. Teil II. Principat. Band 33: Sprache und Literatur 6. Teilband (Allgemeines zur Literatur des 2. Jahrhunderts und einzelne Autoren der Trajanishen und frühhadrianischen Zeit) (De Gruyter, Berlin/New York 1992) 4348-4469; Indices, 4895-4915.
- «The Structural Approach in Latin», Woodstock Letters (1961) 127-134.
- «Le songe de Brutus», Actes du VIIIe Congrès de l’Association Guillaume Budé, Paris 5-10 Avril 1968 (Paris 1969) 588-594.
- «A Most Strange Doctrine: Daimon in Plutarch, Classical Journal 69 (1973) 1-11.
- «Hesiod, How Much a Male Chauvinist?», Classical Bulletin 49 (1973) 73-76.
- «Interesting Bedfellows at the End of the Apology», Classical Bulletin 51 (1975) 44-47.
- «The Dreams of Plutarch’s Lives», Latomus 34 (1975) 336-349.
- «From Mysticism to Mysticism. The Religious Development of Plutarch of Chaironeia», Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Literature 1 (1975) 193-198,.
- «Addendum on Sisypus», Classical Bulletin 52 (1976) 47.
- «Aphrodite’s Girdle: No Way to Treat a Lady», (the Near Eastern background of the 14th Book of the Iliad) Classical Bulletin 54 (1977) 17-20.
- «Most Beautiful Horror: Baroque Touches in Virgil’s Underworld», Classical World 73 (1979) 1-9.
- «Tarpeia among the Celts: Watery Romance from Simylos to Propertius», C. Deroux, ed., Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. Collection Latomus 165 (Brussels 1979) 166-174.
- «The Twofold Gleam: Vergil’s Golden Age and the Beginning of Empire», Thought 55 (1980) 81-97.
«Non primus pipiapat: Echoes of Sappho in Catullus’ passer Poems», Latomus 39 (1980) 702-716. - «War and the Shepherd: The Tomb of Bianor in Vergil’s Ninth Ecloge», American Journal of Philology 102 (1981) 427-430.
- «Tumulo Solaci or Foedera Lecti: The Myth of Cephalus and Procris in Ovid’s Metamorphoses», The Augustan Age 2 (1982/83) 9-22.
- «Lesbia’s Arguta Solea: Catullus 68.72 and Greek ligu/j Glotta 61 (1983) 234-236.
- «Vnum pro multis caput: Myth, History, and Symbolic Imagery in Vergil’s Palinurus Incident», Latomus 43 (1984) 776-801.
- Comment to talk on Mycenaean language by J. Chadwick, in D. Musti, ed., Dori e Mondo Egeo. Colloquio Internazionale. Università di Roma 11-15 aprile 1983 (Rome 1985) 319.
- «Auorum spes et purpurei flores: The Eulogy for Marcellus in Aeneid VI», American Journal of Philology 107 (1986) 218-228.
- «Dear Child: The Speech of Phoinix and the Tragedy of Achilleus in the Ninth Book of the Iliad», Eranos 84 (1986) 77-86.
- «Phaidra’s Risky Horsemanship: Euripides’ Hippolytos 232-238», Mnemosyne 39 (1986) 385-386.
- Comments to talks by G. Kirk and F. I. Zeitlin in, B. Gentili and R. Pretagostini, eds., Edipo. Il Teatro Greco e la Cultura Europea. Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Urbino 15-19 novembre 1982) (Roma 1986) 11, 343.
- «From Rex to Rana: Plutarch’s Treatment of Nero», A. Cerasa-Gastaldo, ed., Il Protagonismo nella Storiografia Classica (Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di Archeologia, Filologia Classica e Loro Tradizioni) 108 (Genova 1987) 121-142.
- «Palinurus and Polites: Shades of Shades (Vergil, Aeneid 6.337-382)», Latomus 46 (1987), 571-574.
- «Arguta solea on the Threshold: The Literary Precedents of Catullus, 68, 68-72», Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 26 (1987) 121-127.
- «Heteros Tis Eimi: On the Language of Menander’s Young Men», Illinois Classical Studies 12 (1987) 31-66.
- «Wind and Waves, Sacrifice and Treachery: Diodoros, Appian, and the Death of Palinurus in Vergil», Aevum 62 (1988) 69-80.
- «Cassius’ `Epicurean’ Explanation of Brutus’ Vision in Plutarch’s Broutos», I. Gallo, ed., Aspetti dello stoicismo e dell’epicureismo in Plutarco. Atti del II Convegno di studi su Plutarco, Ferrara, 2-3 aprile 1987. (Quaderni del Giornale Filologico Ferrarese 9) (Ferrara 1988) 109-118.
- «Salus», F. Della Corte, ed., Enciclopedia Virgiliana IV (Rome 1989) 667-669.
- «Sancio», F. Della Corte, ed., Enciclopedia Virgiliana IV (Rome 1989) 672-673.
- «Plutarch’s Erotikos: The Drag Down Pulled Up», M. Marcovich, F. E. Brenk, J. P. Hershbell, and P. A. Stadter, eds.,Plutarch. Robert Flacelière (1904-1982). In Memoriam. (Illinois Classical Studies 13.2 [1988]) 457-472.
- «Plus saint que chez Homère: sanctus chez Virgile», XIIe Congrès International de l’Association Guillaume Budé.Bordeaux 1988 (Paris 1989) 305-307.
- «‘Purpureos Spargam Flores’: A Greek Motif in the Aeneid?» Classical Quarterly 40 (1990) 218-223.
- «I veri demoni greci `nella nebbia ammantellati’? Esiodo e Plutarco», E. Corsini e E. Costa, eds., L’Autunno del diavolo. «Diabolos, Dialogos, Daimon»: Convegno di Torino 17/21 Ottobre 1988 (Milano 1990) I, 23-35.
- «Old Wineskins Recycled: `Autarkeia’ in I Timothy 6.5-10», Filologia Neotestamentaria 3 (1990) 39-51.
- «Tempo come struttura nel dialogo Sul daimonion di Socrate di Plutarco», in G. D’Ippolito e I. Gallo, eds., Strutture formali dei «Moralia» di Plutarco. Atti del III Convegno plutarcheo. Palermo 3-5 maggio 1989 (Napoli 1991) 69-82.
- «The Herakles Myth and the Literary Texts Relating to the Myth of Ninurta», in D. Musti, A. Sacconi, L. Roccheti, M. Rocchi, E. Scafa, L. Sportiello, M. Giannotta, eds., La transizione dal miceneo all’alto arcaismo. Dal palazzo alla città. Atti del Convegno Internazionale. Roma, 14-19 marzo 1988. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Monografie Scientifiche. Serie Scienze Umane e Sociali. Istituto per gli Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici (Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche, Roma 1991) 507-526.
- «Wind, Waves, and Treachery; Diodorus, Appian and the Death of Palinurus in Vergil», in E. Galvagno e C. Molè Ventura, eds., Mito Storia Tradizione. Diodoro Siculo e la storiografia classica. Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Catania-Agira, 7-8 dicembre 1984 (G. Manganaro, M. Mazza, C. Molè Ventura, edd., Testi e Studi di Storia Antica 1) (Edizioni del Prisma, Catania 1991). [Already published with some changes in Aevum]
- Chapter 8, «Antony-Osiris, Cleopatra-Isis: The End of Plutarch’s Antony», in P. A. Stadter, ed., Plutarch and the Historical Tradition (Routledge, London 1992) 159-182. (Selected papers from the Second International Conference of the International Plutarch Society, University College, Oxford, September 1989).
- «Darkly Beyond the Glass: Middle Platonism and the Vision of the Soul», in Stephen Gersh and Charles Kannengiesser, eds., Platonism in Late Antiquity. (Christianity and Judaism in Late Antiquity 8) (Notre Dame Press, South Bend, Indiana 1992) 39-60.
- «The Gates of Dreams and an Image of Life: Consolation and Allegory at the End of Vergil’s Aeneid VI», in C. Deroux, ed., Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History VI (Collection Latomus 217) (Brussels 1992) 276-294.
- «A Gleaming Ray: Blessed Afterlife in the Mysteries», in D. Sansone, ed., Studies in Honor of Miroslav Marcovich.(Illinois Classical Studies 18 [1993]) 147-164.
- «Édouard des Places (b. 1900)», in W. Suerbaum, ed. with U. Dubielzig, Festgabe für Ernst Vogt zu seinem 60. Geburtstag am 6. November 1990. Erinnerungen an Klassische Philologen. (Eikasmos. Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica 4 [1993]) 289-292.
- «In Memoriam. Roderick A. F. MacKenzie, S.J. (1911-1994)», in «Nuntii Personarum et Rerum», Biblica 75 (1994) 447-448.
- «Greek Epiphanies and Paul on the Road to Damaskos», in U. Bianchi, ed., The Notion of «Religion in Comparative Research.» Selected Proceedings of the XVIth Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Rome 3rd-8th September, 1990. (Storia delle Religioni 8) («L’Erma» di Bretschneider, Rome 1994) 415-424.
- «The Origin and the Return of the Soul in Plutarch», M. García Valdés, ed., Estudios sobre Plutarco: ideas religiosas.Actas del III Simposio Internacional sobre Plutarco. Oviedo, 30 de abril a 2 de mayo de 1992. Sociedad Española de Plutarquistas (Seccíon de la International Plutarch Society) (Ediciones Clásicas, Madrid 1994) 3-24.
- Notizie su 15 recenti libri su Plutarco o con riferimenti alle opere di Plutarco, in Ploutarchos. Journal of the International Plutarch Society 11.1,11.2 (1994).
- «Heroic Anti-Heroes. Ruler Cult and Divine Assimilations in Plutarch’s ‘Lives’ of Demetrios and Antonius», in I. Gallo e B. Scardigli, edd., Teoria e Prassi Politica nelle Opere di Plutarco. Atti del V Convegno Plutarcheo della International Plutarch Society, Sezione Italiana. Certosa di Pontignano, 7-9 giugno 1993 (M. D’Auria, Napoli, 1995) 65-82.
- «L’epopea dei Maccabei. Resistenza per la fede», in La Bibbia per la famiglia. IV: Cronache-Esdra-Neemia-Tobia-Giuditta-Ester-Maccabei (a cura di G. Ravasi)(St. Paul’s International, Milano 1995) 334-337.
- «The Boiotia of Plutarch’s Erotikos. Beyond the Shadow of Athens», in Alexandra C. Chistopoulou, ed., Acts of the Society of Boeotian Studies. II (Athens1995) 1109-1119 [ALECANDRA X. XRISTOPOULOU, ekd., EPETHRIS THS ETAIREIAS BOIWTIKWN MELETWN. TOMOS B` AQHNA 1995)] 1109-1119.
- «Time as Structure in The Daimonion of Sokrates», in L. Van der Stockt, ed., Plutarchea Lovaniensia. A Miscellany of Essays on Plutarch (Studia Hellenistica 32) (Leuven 1996) 29-51.
- «Lo scrittore silenzioso: giudaismo e cristianesimo in Plutarco» in Plutarco e la religione. Atti del VI Convegno plutarcheo (Ravello, 29-31 maggio 1995) (ed., Italo Gallo) (M. D’Auria, Napoli 1996) 239-262.
- «Plutarch, Judaism and Christianity», in Mark Joyal, ed., Studies in Plato and the Platonic Tradition. Essays Presented to John Whitaker (Variorum, Aldershot, Hampshire 1997) 97-118.
- «Caesar and the Evil Eye or What to Do with ‘kai\ su/, te/knon’», in Gregory Schmeling and Jon D. Mikalson, eds., Qui Miscuit Vtile Dulci. Festschrift Essays for Paul MacKendrick (Bolchazy-Carducci, Wauconda, Illinois, 1998) 31-50.
- «Artemis of Ephesos: An Avant Garde Goddess», in André Motte and Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge, eds., Actes du VIe Colloque International du Centre International d’Étude de la Religion Grecque Antique (Kernos 11) (Centre International d’Étude de la Religion Grecque, Liege 1998) 157-171.
- «The Sibyl Sing of Vesuvius», in Ileana Chirassi Colombo e Tullio Seppilli, eds., Sibille e linguaggi oracolari. Mito.storia.tradizione. Atti del Convegno Macerata-Norcia Settembre 1994 (Ichnia 3) (Università degli Studi di Macerata) (Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, Pisa/Roma 1999) 487-501.
- «The Isis Campensis of Katja Lembke», in Nicole Blanc and Andre Buisson, eds., De l’archéologie à l’histoire. Imago Antiquitatis. Religions et iconographie du monde romain. Mélanges offerts à Robert Turcan. (Université Lyon III et Paris IV-Sorbonne)(De Boccard, Paris 1999) (=2000) 133-143.
- «The kai\ su/ Stele in the Fitzwilliam Museum», Zeitschrift for Papyrologie und Epigraphie 126 (1999) 169-174.
- «Isis is a Greek Word. Plutarch’s Allegorization of Egyptian Religion», in A. Pérez Jiménez, J. García López, and Rosa M. Aguilar, eds., Plutarco, Platón y Aristóteles. (Actas del V Congresso Internacional de la International Plutarch Society. Madrid-Cuenca, 4-7 de mayo de 1999) (Ediciones Clásicas, Madrid 1999) (= 2000) 227-238.
- «All for Love. The Rhetoric of Exaggeration in Plutarch’s Erotikos», L. Van der Stockt, ed., Rhetorical Theory and Praxis in Plutarch. Acta of the IVth International Congress of the International Plutarch Society. Leuven, July 3-6, 1996. (Collection d’Études Classiques 11) (Éditions Peeters/Sociétés des Études Classiques, Louvain/Namur 2000) 45-60.
- «Dio on the Simple and Self-Sufficient Life», in S. Swain, ed., Dio Chrysostom. Politics, Letters, and Philosophy(Oxford University Press, Oxford 2000) 261-278.
- «Social and Unsocial Memory. The Liberation of Thebes in Plutarch’s The Daimonion of Sokrates», in Alexandra Christopoulou, ed., Acts of the International Society of Boeotian Studies. Third International Congress, Thebes, 4-8 September 1996. III, vol. 2. (Athens 2000) [ALECANDRA X. XRISTOPOULOU, ekd., EPETHRIS THS ETAIREIAS BOIWTIKWN MELETWN. G’DIEQNES SUNEDERIO BOIWTIKWN MELETWN. TOMOS G’, TEUXOS b’(AQHNA 2000)] 305-320.
- «El Exorcismo en Filipos en Hechos 16.11-40. Posesión Divina o Inspiración Diabólica», in Aurelio Pérez Jiménez and Gonzalo Cruz Andreotti, eds., Seres Intermedios. Ángeles, Demonios y Genios en el Mundo Mediterráneo.(Mediterranea 7) (Ediciones Clásicas, Madrid-Málaga, 2000 [2001]) 151-176.
- «In the Image, Reflection and Reason of Osiris. Plutarch and the Egyptian Cults», in Aurelio Pérez Jiménez and Francesc Casadesús Bordoy, eds., Estudios sobre Plutarco: Misticismo y religiones mistericas en la obra de Plutarco. Actas del VII Simposio Español sobre Plutarco, Palma de Mallorca, 2-4 noviembre de 2000 (Ediciones Clásicas, Madrid/Charta Antiqua, Distributión Editorial Málaga 2001) 83-98.
- «The Notorious Felix, Procurator of Judaea ad His Many Wives (Acts 23-24)», Biblica 82.3 (2001) 410-417.
- «Deum comitari . . . : retorica, virtù e progresso in Seneca e Paolo», in A. P. Martina, ed., Seneca e i Cristiani. Atti del Convegno Internazionale. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Biblioteca Ambrosiana. Milano, 12-13-14 ottobre 1999. (Aevum Antiquum 13 [2000]) (Vita e Pensiero, Milano 2001) 87-112.
- «Social and Unsocial Memory: the Liberation of Thebes in Plutarch’s The Daimonion of Sokrates», in L. Torraca, ed.,Scritti in onore di Italo Gallo. Pubblicazioni dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno. Sezioni Atti, Convegni, Miscellanee59 (Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Naples 2002) 97-114.
- «Édouard des Places», Gnomon 74.4 (2002) 377-379.
- «The Exorcism at Philippoi in Acts 16.11-40. Divine Possession or Diabolic Inspiration», in K. A. Manaphes, ed., PRAKTIKA. IA’ DIEQNOUS SUNEDRIOU KLASSIKWN SPOUDWN (FIEC). (Acts of the XI Congrès. Fédération International des Associations d’Études Classiques), Kavala, Greece, 24-30 August 1999, Vol. II (Athens 2002) 172-183.
- «The Exorcism at Philippoi in Acts 16.11-40. Divine Possession or Diabolic Inspiration?», Filologia Neotestamentaria13 (25-26) (2000) [2002] 3-22.
- «Religion under Trajan. Plutarch’s Resurrection of Osiris», in Philip A. Stadter and Luc Van der Stockt, eds., Sage and Emperor. Plutarch, Greek Intellectuals, and Roman Power in the Time of Trajan (98-117 A.D.) (Leuven 2002) [publ., 2003] 73-92.
- «Finding One’s Place: Eschatology in Plato’s Laws and First-Century Platonism», in Samuel Scolnicov and Luc Brisson, eds., Plato’s Laws: From Theory into Practice. Proceedings of the VI Symposium Platonicum. Selected Papers.International Plato Studies. Published under the Auspices of the International Plato Society. 15 (Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin (2003) 312-319.
- «Osirian Reflections. Second Thoughts on the Isaeum Campense at Rome», in Pol Defosse, ed., Hommages à Carl Deroux IV. Archéologie et Histoire de l’Art, Religion (Collection Latomus 277) (Brussels 2003) 291-301.
- «Sheer Doggedness or Love of Neighbor? Motives for Self-sufficiency in the Cynics and Others», Studies in Honor of Miroslav Marcovich. (Illinois Classical Studies 27-28 [2002-2003]) 77-96.
- «O Sweet Mystery of the Lives! The Eschatological Dimension of Plutarch’s Biographies», in L. De Blois, J. Bons, T. Kessels, and D. M. Schenkeveld, eds., The Statesman in Plutarch’s Works II. The Statesman in Plutarch’s Greek and Roman Lives(Brill, Leiden 2005) 61-74.
- «Two Case Studies in Paideia», in Montserrat Jufresa, Francesca Mestre, Pilar Gomez, and Pau Gilabert, eds., Plutarc a la seva època: Paideia i societat. Actas del VIII Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Plutarquistas. Barcelona, 6-8 de noviembre de 2003 (Primera, Barcelona 2005) 235-242.
- «Plutarch», in Lindsay Jones, et al., eds., Encylopedia of Religion XI (Second Edition, Thomson Gale, New York 2005) 7199-7202.
- «The Barbarian Within. Gallic and Galatian Heroines in Plutarch's Erotikos», in Aurelio Pérez Jiménez and Frances Titchener, eds., Historical and Biographical Values of Plutarch’s Works. Studies Devoted to Professor Philip A. Stadter by The International Plutarch Society (University of Málaga, Spain, and Utah State University, Logan, Utah 2005) 93-106.
- «Plutarch's Middle-Platonic God: About to Enter (or Remake) the Academy», in R. Hirsch-Luipold, ed., Gott und die Götter bei Plutarch. Götterbilder, Gottesbilder, Weltbilder. (Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten 54), (De Gruyter, Berlin 2005) 27-50.
- «’Parlando senza profumi raggiunge con la voce mille anni.’ Plutarco e la sua età», in Paola Volpe Cacciatore and Franco Ferrari, eds., Plutarco e la cultura della sua età. (Atti del X Convegno plutarcheo. Fisciano – Paestum, 27-29 ottobre 2005. International Plutarch Society. Sezione Italiana. Collectanea 27)(D’Auria, Naples, 2007) 11-38.
- «School and Literature. The Gymnasia at Athens in the First Century A.D.», in José Antonio Fernández Delgado, Francisca Pordomingo, and Antonio Stramaglia, eds., Escuela y Literatura en Grecia Antigua. Actas del Simposio Internacional. Universidad de Salamanca 17-19 noviembre de 2004. (Edizioni dell’Università degli Studi di Cassino. Collana Scientifica 17) (Cassino 2007) 333-348.
- «Zeus’ Missing Ears», Kernos 20 (2007) 213-216.
- «Sliding Atoms or Supernatural Light. Plutarch’s Erotikos and the ‘On Eros’ Literature», in Jesús Ma. Nieto Ibáñez and Raúl López López, eds., El Amor en Plutarco. IX Symposio International de la Sociedad Espagnola de Plutarquistas(Universidad de León, León 2007) 19-26.
- «’We are of His Race. Paul and the Philosophy of His Time», in F. E. Brenk, With Unperfumed Voice. Studies in Plutarch, in Greek Literature, Religion and Philosophy, and in the New Testament Background. (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 21) (Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2007) 402-440.
- «’Uttering Unperfumed Words, Yet Reaches to a Thousand Years with Her Voice.’ Plutarch and His Age», in F. E. Brenk, With Unperfumed Voice. Studies in Plutarch, in Greek Literature, Religion and Philosophy, and in the New Testament Background. (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 21) (Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2007) 17-51.
- «‘Great Royal Spouse who Protects Her Brother Osiris.’ Isis in the Isaeum at Pompeii», in F. E. Brenk, With Unperfumed Voice. Studies in Plutarch, in Greek Literature, Religion and Philosophy, and in the New Testament Background. (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 21) (Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2007) 346-370.
- «‘Deum. . . comitari’: Rhetoric and Progress in Virtue in Seneca and in Paul», in F. E. Brenk, With Unperfumed Voice. Studies in Plutarch, in Greek Literature, Religion and Philosophy, and in the New Testament Background.(Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 21) (Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2007) 441-469.
- «Setting a Good Exemplum. Case Studies in the Moralia, the Lives as Case Studies», in Anastasios G. Nikolaidis, ed.,The Unity of Plutarch’s Works. ‘Moralia’ Themes in the ‘Lives’, Features of the ‘Lives’ in the ‘Moralia’. (Wolfram Brandes, Alexander Demandt, Helmut Krasser, Hartmut Leppin, Peter von Möllendorff, eds., Millenium-Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr. Millenium Studies in the Culture and History of the First Millenium C.E. 19) (Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2008) 237-253.
- «Alessandria e la religione di Iside come praeparatio evangelica», Scritture di Storia, Historical Writings 5 (2008) 37-64. [Università degli Studi di Napoli «L’Orientale.» Dipartimento di Filosofia e Politica, Discipline Storiche (Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Naples 2008) . Quaderni diretti da Michele Fatica, Redazione: Sergio Muzzapappa].
- «Great Royal Spouse Who Protects Her Brother Osiris», in Giovanni Casadio and Patricia A. Johnston, eds., Mystic Cults in Magna Graecia (University of Texas Press, Austin 2009) 217-234.
- «’In Learned Conversation’.» Plutarch’s Symposiac Literature and the Elusive Authorial Voice.», in José Ribeiro Ferreira, Delfim Leão, Manuel Tröster, and Paula Barata Dias, eds., Symposion and Philanthropia in Plutarch(Coimbra : Classica Digitalia / CECH, 2009) 51-61.
- «Mixed Monotheism? The Areopagos Speech of Paul», in Charles Guittard, ed., Le monothéisme. Diversité, exclusivisme ou dialogue?, Société Ernest Renan. Societé Française d’Histoire des Religiions, Association Européenne pour l’Etude des Religios (EASR). Congrès de Paris, 11-14 September 2002 (Paris 2010) 131-152.
- «Professor Shigetake Yaginuma: Emeritus Professor of Classical Philology, University of Tsukuba, Kyoto, Japan»,Ploutarchos 7 (2009/2010) 125-127.
- «Transmission and Translation in Classical and Biblical Studies», in Pasquale Gagliardi, Bruno Latour, Pedro Memelsdorff, eds., Coping with the Past. Creative Perspectives on Conservation and Restoration. (Civiltà Veneziana Studi 52)(Fondazione Giorgio Cini, San Giorgio Maggiore, Leo S. Olschki, Florence 2010) 115-132. (based on Il Dialogo di San Giorgio, 12-14 settembre, 2007, Inheriting the Past. Tradition, Translation, Betrayal, Innovation).