О'Лаулин Т.
Профессиональные интересы: История Древней Церкви, История протестантизма
Конфессии: Католичество

Краткая биографическая справка:

Профессор исторической теологии Ноттингемского университета.

Родился в Дублине. Получил бакалаврскую степень по философии и средневековой истории в Университете Дублина. Затем получил вторую бакалаврскую степень по богословию в St Patrick's College (Мэйнут).

Магистерскую диссертацию, посвященную культурному влиянию Плотина и блаж. Августина, защитил также в Университете Дублина.

Докторская (PhD) диссертация посвящена латинской традиции толкования книги Бытия в период после смерти блаж. Августина и до эпохи Каролингов.

Преподавал в Дублинском университете, Milltown Institute, Доминиканской студии в Дублине.

С 1997 по 2009 г. преподавал в Университете Уэльса. С 2009 г. работает в Ноттингемском университете.

В 2010 г. Bangor University присловил О'Лаулину степень полного доктора.

Академические интересы: раннехристианские общины и их письменное наследие, патристическая и средневековая теология, история толкования священных текстов.
Библиография работ автора:
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. ‘Ailerán’s Kanon euangeliorum and the Nero Gospels (London, B.L., Cotton Nero D.iv.)’ Anglo-Saxon Studies. (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘“Remembering Sion”: early medieval Latin recollections of the Basilica on Mount Sion and the interplay of relics, tradition, and images’. In: B. KÜHNEL, ed., Studies in the Iconography of Jerusalem (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘The Common Lectionary: a case study in receptive ecumenism’. In: P. MURRAY, ed., Studies in Receptive Ecumenism (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Reactions to the Didache in early twentieth-century Britain: a dispute over the relationship of history and doctrine?’. In: F. KNIGHT, ed., Festschrift for Prof. Keith Robbins (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Reading the Sacred Scriptures: Some Evidence from Early Christian Ireland’. In: F. LONG, ed., Reading the Scriptures in Ireland (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Reading Muirchú's Vita as a narratio sacra’. In: E. JOHNSON, ed., Studies in Early Irish Historiography (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘The Commemoratio pro vivis of the Roman Canon: a textual witness to the evolution of western eucharistic theologies?’. In: J. DAY, ed., Studies in the Origins of the Roman Liturgy (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Adomnán’. In: POLLMANN, K., ed., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Astrology’. In: POLLMANN, K., ed., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Dungal’. In: POLLMANN, K., ed., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Gennadius’. In: POLLMANN, K., ed., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Gildas’. In: POLLMANN, K., ed., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Patrick’. In: POLLMANN, K., ed., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Sedulius Scottus’. In: POLLMANN, K., ed., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Vincent of Lérins’. In: POLLMANN, K., ed., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Columban’. In: POLLMANN, K., ed., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. Gildas: The World through the lens of the Scriptures Brepols, Turnhout. (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. The Protevangelium of James: a case of gospel harmonization in the second century? Studia Patristica. (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. The structure of the collections that make up the Scriptures: the influence of Augustine on Cassiodorus Revue Bénédictine. (In Press.)
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. Making the Most of the Lectionary: A User's Guide S.P.C.K..
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘Adomnán’s Plans in the Context of his Imagining ‘the Most Famous City’ Proceedings of the British Academy. 175, 15-40
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘The library of Iona at the time of Adomnán’. In: R.G. GAMESON, ed., The Cambridge history of the Book in Britain (Volume I; c.400-1100) Cambridge University Press. 570-579
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘Divisions in Christianity: The Contribution of “Appeals to Antiquity”’. In: S. OLIVER, K. KILBY and T. O’LOUGHLIN, eds., Faithful Reading: New Essays in Theology and Philosophy in Honour of Fergus Kerr T. and T. Clark. 221-241
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘Feeling Time and Celebrating Mystery’ Transformation. 29(4), 251-259
  • S. OLIVER, K. KILBY and T. O’LOUGHLIN, eds., 2012. Faithful Reading: New Essays in Theology and Philosophy in Honour of Fergus Kerr T. & T. Clark, London.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘Writing a PhD Dissertation in Theology: Some Common Pitfalls’ Transformation. (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘Is every translation a vernacular translation?’ New Blackfriars. (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘Jerome’s De uiris illustribus and Latin Perceptions of the New Testament’s Canon’. In: J.E. RUTHERFORD and D. WOODS, eds., The Mystery of Christ in the Fathers of the Church: Essays in Honour of D. Vincent Twomey SVD Four Courts Press, Dublin. 55-65
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘Christian Spirituality in Europe: The Celtic Tradition’. In: RICHARD WOODS and PETER TYLER, eds., The Bloomsbury Guide to Christian Spirituality Bloomsbury, London. 304-314
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘A Vernacular Liturgy versus a Liturgy in the “Vernacular”?’ Worship. 86(3), 244-255
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘The Biblical Dimension of Early Medieval Latin Texts’. In: K. RITARI, ed., Method and Genre in the Study of Medieval Texts (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘The ecclesial value of deacons within the Eucharistic Assembly’ New Diaconal Review. (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘The Prayers of the Liturgy’. In: V. BOLAND and T. MCCARTHY, eds., The Word is Flesh and Blood: The Eucharist and Sacred Scripture - Festschrift for Prof. Wilfrid Harrington Dominican Publications, Dublin. 113-122
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. [Liturgical Resources for:] 2 Easter B, 3 Easter B, 4 Easter B Scripture in Church. 42(166), 11-16, 48-59
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. 'Preaching at Pentecost: the Diversifying Spirit' Scripture in Church. 42(166), 125-127
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. 'Mark and the Eucharist' The Pastoral Review. 8(3), 49-53
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. 'The Derrynaflan Paten: Discovering an Ancient Theology'. In: S. RYAN and B. LEAHY, eds., Treasures of Irish Christianity: People and Places, Images and Texts Veritas, Dublin. 63-66
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. 'Latina veritas: language a guarantor of truth?' The Furrow. 63(7/8), 343-347
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. At the Lord's Table Music and Liturgy. (In Press.)
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘Celibate clergy: the need for historical debate’. In: E. MCDONAGH and V. MAC NAMARA, eds., An Irish Reader in Moral Theology: The Legacy of the Last Fifty Years 2. Columba Press, Dublin. 447-460
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘“The Unfortunate Costigan”, First Surveyor of the Dead Sea’ History Ireland. 19(1), 24-6
  • O'LOUGHIN, T., 2011. ‘The Missionary Strategy of the Didache’ Transformation. 28, 77-92
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘Celtic Christianity’. In: I. MCFARLAND, D.A.S. FERGUSSON, K. KILBY and I.R. TORRANCE, eds., Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology C.U.P.. Cambridge. 91-92
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘The Sunday Gospel: Snapshot or Film Clip?’ Doctrine and Life. 61(10), 48-54
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘The Gospel Readings on Christmas Day’ The Pastoral Review. 7(6), 26-9
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘The Gospels: what are we listening to?’ The Pastoral Review. 7(4), 43-50
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘Hearing the Gospel at the Eucharist’ The Pastoral Review. 7(1), 36-39
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘The Bread of Life’ The Bible Today. 49(1), 37-41
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘The People of the Book or the Books of the People’ The Furrow. 62, 209-212
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. [Liturgical Resources for:] Holy Thursday; Good Friday; Easter Vigil; Easter Sunday A Scripture in Church. 41(162), 8-15, 47-55
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. The Didache: A window on the Earliest Christians S.P.C.K. / Baker Academic.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Authenticity at the Eucharist' Scripture in Church. 158, 125-8
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘The De locis sanctis as a liturgical text’. In: J.M. WOODING, R. AIST, T.O. CLANCY and T. O'LOUGHLIN, eds., Adomnán of Iona: Theologian, Lawmaker, Peacemaker Four Courts Press. 181-192
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘The Perception of the Diaconate in the Early Middle Ages: Some Evidence from Canon Law’: Part 1 New Diaconal Review. 4, 40-47
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘The Perception of the Diaconate in the Early Middle Ages: Some Evidence from Canon Law’: Part 2 New Diaconal Review. 5, 34-8
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Eucharistic Celebrations: the Chasm between Idea and Reality’ New Blackfriars. 91, 423-438
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘St Augustine’s view of the place of the Holy Spirit in the formation of the gospels’. In: D.V. TWOMEY and J. RUTHERFORD, eds., The Holy Spirit in the Fathers of the Church Four Courts Press. 86-95
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Salvation and the liturgy: some examples from early Christian Ireland’. In: D.V. TWOMEY and D. KRAUSMÜLLER, eds., Salvation according to the Fathers of the Church Four Courts Press. 123-142
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Medieval Nominalism’ Milltown Studies. 65, 59-73
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Harmonizing the Truth: Eusebius and the Problem of the Four Gospels’ Traditio. 65, 1-29
  • J.M. WOODING, R. AIST, T.O. CLANCY and T. O’LOUGHLIN, eds., 2010. Adomnán of Iona: Theologian, Law Maker, Peace Maker Four Courts Press, Dublin.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Celtic Christianity: Its Practices and Theology’. In: D. PATTE, ed., Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity C.U.P.. Cambridge. 180-181
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Biblical Mapping’. In: B.L. WARF, ed., Encyclopedia of Geography Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. 195-197
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Lynch, William (1806-1865)’. In: B.L. WARF, ed., Encyclopedia of Geography Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. 1808-1809
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Ortelius (1527-1598)’. In: B.L. WARF, ed., Encyclopedia of Geography Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. 2104-2106
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Pilgrimage’. In: B.L. WARF, ed., Encyclopedia of Geography Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. 2184-2186
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘T-in-O Maps’. In: B.L. WARF, ed., Encyclopedia of Geography Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. 2844-2846
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Maximus of Saragossa’. In: R.G. DUNPHY, ed., Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle Brill, Leiden. 1097-1098
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Isidore of Seville’. In: R.G. DUNPHY, ed., Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle Brill, Leiden. 880-883
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Ildephonsus of Toledo’. In: R.G. DUNPHY, ed., Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle Brill, Leiden. 843
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Julian of Toledo’. In: R.G. DUNPHY, ed., Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle Brill, Leiden. 951
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Bede’. In: R.G. DUNPHY, ed., Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle Brill, Leiden. 156-159
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘The Meal of Memories’ Doctrine and Life. 60, 47-52
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘The Crib: Its Biblical Links’ The Bible Today. 48(6), 286-292
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. Sunday Mass Readings: the thinking behind the lectionary C.T.S., London.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. 25. [Liturgical Resources for:] Trinity Sunday; The Body and Blood of Christ; Sunday 10C of Ordinary Time; Sacred Heart of Jesus Scripture in Church. 40(158), 23-9, 69-74
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. Proclaiming that Jesus is Lord in Mark's Year: The Genius of the Lectionary The Bible Today. 47(2), 113-119
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. Liturgical Evolution and the Fallacy of the Continuing Consequence Worship. 83, 312-23
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. Eusebius of Caesarea’s conceptions of persecutions as a key to reading his Historia ecclesiastica. In: TWOMEY, V. and HUMPHRIES, M., eds., The Great Persecution Dublin: Four Courts Press. 91-105
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. Inventing the Apocrypha: The Role of Early Latin Canon Lists Irish Theological Quarterly. 74, 53-74
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. Pentecost and the Invisibility of Women The Furrow. 60, 269-72
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T, 2009. ‘Losing mystery in history: the challenge of recalling the Nativity’. In: J. CORLEY, ed., New Perspectives on the Nativity Continuum. 180-199
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘The Biblical Text of the Book of Deer (C.U.L. Ii.6.32): Evidence for the Remains of a Division System from its Manuscript Ancestry’ Scriptorium. 63, 30-57
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘Another post-resurrection meal, and its implications for the early understanding of the Eucharist’. In: Z. RODGERS, M. DALY-DENTON and A. FITZPATRICK-MCKINLEY, eds., A Wandering Galilean: Essays in Honour of Seán Freyne Brill. 485-503
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘The Protoevangelium of James and the modern Roman Rite: a case study of the structure of liturgical memory’ Anaphora. 3(2), 57-80
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘Treating the “Private Mass” as Normal: Some Unnoticed Evidence from Adomnán’s De locis sanctis’ Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft. 51, 334-344
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘The Formation of the Canon’. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 54-55
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘Jerusalem’. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 68
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘Asia Minor and Greece’. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 69
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘John Scottus Eriugena’. In: J.I. MCGUIRE, ed., Royal Irish Academy’s Dictionary of National Biography
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘“Celebrants” or “Presidents”?’ The Pastoral Review. 5(6), 56-7
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘The Search for Celtic Christianity’ Quiet Spaces. 15, 10-13
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 24. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 2B of Easter; Sunday 3B of Easter; Sunday 4B of Easter; Sunday 5B of Easter Scripture in Church. 39(154), 10-15, 48-56
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Rome, Spain, and Gaul'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 74
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Ireland'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 79
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Liturgies'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 96-97
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'The Cult of Mary'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 102-103
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Growng Influence of the Papacy'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 108
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'St Gregory the Great'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 109
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Saints and the Blessed Virgin Mary'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Millennium House, Elanora Heights, NSW. 160-161
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Pilgrimages'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 162-163
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Universities'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 176-177
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Unity of Knowledge'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 178-179
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Aquinas versus Augustine'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Millennium House, Elanora Heights, NSW. 180-181
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. Celtic Spirituality: A Case Study in Recycling the Christian Past for Present Needs. In: AGNEW, U., FLANAGAN, B. and HEYLIN, G., eds., With Wisdom Seeking God: The Academic Study of Spirituality Leuven: Peeters. 143-61
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. The Crib Doctrine and Life. 58, 54-8
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. Liturgical Resources for Mark's Year: Sundays in Ordinary Time in Year B Columba Press.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. A Brief Record of the Advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (1919) and development of the notion of maps as narrative Sheetlines. 83, 12-23
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. A Post Resurrection Meal and Implications for the Early Understanding of the Eucharist Transformation. 25, 1-14
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. Explaining the Lectionary for Readers Dublin: Columba Press.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. The Biblical Text of the Book of Deer (C.U.L. Ii.6.32): Evidence for the Remains of a Division System from its Manuscript Ancestry. In: FORSYTH, K., ed., Studies on The Book of Deer Dublin: Four Courts Press. 3-31
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. Memory and Self-Perception: Aspects of Anglican Identity from a Roman Catholic Perspective. In: YATES, N., ed., Anglicanism: Essays in History, Belief and Practice Lampeter: Trivium. 167-86
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘The liturgical vessels of the Latin eucharistic liturgy: a case of an embedded theology’ Worship. 82, 482-504
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Celebrating Ascension and Pentecost’ The Reader. 105(1), 22-23
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Adomnán’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 2-3
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Alban’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 18
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Ardagh Chalice’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 33-34
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Bede’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 66-67
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Book of Armagh’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 74-75
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Book of Durrow’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 75-76
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Celtic Christianity’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 119-126
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Ségéne of Iona’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 475-476
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Penitentials’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 441-442
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Pelagius’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 439-440
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Palladius’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 435-436
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Columbanus’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 154
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Dicuil’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 184-185
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Iona’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 326-327
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Johannes Scottus Eriugena’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 339-340
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Marianus Scottus I’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 383-384
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Marianus Scottus II’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 384
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 12A of Ordinary Time; Birthday of St John the Baptist; Saints Peter and Paul Scripture in Church. 38(150), 29-34, 72-77
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. Theology, Philosophy, and Cosmography. In: CLANCY, T.O. and PITTOCK, M., eds., Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature: From Columba to the Union (until 1707) Vol. 1. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 115-22
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. Adomnán and the Holy Places: The Perceptions of an Insular Monk on the Location of the Biblical Drama London: T.& T.Clark Ltd.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. Would you read? The Task of the Lector Anaphora. 1(2), 19-36
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. Division systems for the gospels: The case of the Stowe St John (Dublin, R.I.A. D.ii.3) Scriptorium. 61, 150-64
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. The Myth of Insularity and Nationality in Ireland. In: NAGY, J.F., ed., Myth in Celtic Literatures: Celtic Studies Association of North America Yearbook 6 Dublin: Four Courts Press Ltd. 132-40
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. Would you read? The Task of the Lector Anaphora. 1(2), 19-36
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. Liturgical Resources for Matthew's Year: Sundays in Ordinary Time in Year A Columba Press.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. Preaching: Why We Bother The Furrow. 58, 477-9
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. ‘The Crib’ The Reader. 104(4), 2-3
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. ‘Preaching: Why We Bother’ The Furrow. 58, 477-479
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. ‘Much ado about nothing? The Renewal of Eucharistic Symbols’ The Pastoral Review. 3(3), 26-31
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 6C of Easter; Ascension Day; Sunday 7C of Easter; Pentecost Scripture in Church. 37(146), 16-22, 59-67
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. Liturgical Resources for Luke's Year: Sundays in Ordinary Time in Year C Columba Press.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. St Patrick: the legend and the bishop History Ireland. 14(1), 16-19
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. 'The Monastic Liturgy of the Hours in the Nauigatio sancti Brendani: A Preliminary Investigation' Irish Theological Quarterly. 71, 113-126
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. Muirchú’s Poisoned Cup: A Note on its Sources Ériu. 56, 157-62
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. The Eucharist as “The Meal that should be” Worship. 80, 30-44
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. Liturgical Resources for Advent and Christmastide Columba Press.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. Liturgy and Accountability The Pastoral Review. 2(5), 9-13
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. The liturgical vessels of the Latin eucharistic liturgy: a case of an embedded theology. In: MCCORMACK, J., ed., All Hallows Studies 2006: Festschrift for Dr Moya Curran Dublin: All Hallows. 115-134
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Adomnán, St’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 12-13
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Alban, St’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 37-38
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Ard Mhacha (Armagh)’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 80
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Armagh, Book of’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 84-85
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Beann Char (Bangor)’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 191
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Brendan, St’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 244-245
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Cáin Adomnáin’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 327
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Cellach, St’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 362
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Christianity, Ireland’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 408-413
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T. and J. CAREY, 2006. ‘Christianity, Celtic’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 431-435
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Cistercian Abbeys, Ireland’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 443-445
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Colum Cille, St’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 468
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Columbanus, St’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 468-469
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Cummine Find’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 516-517
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Eriugena, Johannes Scottus’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 718
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Gleann Dá Loch (Glendalough)’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 3. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 820
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Monasticism’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 4. a. 1305-1306
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Oengus Céile Dé’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 4. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 1388-1389
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 5B of Lent; Passion (Palm) Sunday B; Holy Thursday; Good Friday Scripture in Church. 36(142), 2-7, 35-43
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Carol Services’ Scripture in Church. 36(144), 125-128
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘The Christmas Tree and the Liturgy’ The Pastoral Review. 2(6), 25-27
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. Map and Text: A Mid Ninth-Century Map for the Book of Joshua Imago Mundi. 57(1), 7-22
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. Discovering Saint Patrick Paulist Press.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. The capitula of Muirchú’s Vita Patricii: do they point to an underlying structure in the text? Analecta Bollandiana. 123, 79-89
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. How many priests do we need? New Blackfriars. 86, 642-657
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘The List of Saints on the bowl of the Ardagh Chalice’ Journal of Celtic Studies. 5, 107-113
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Deciphering a Book with a Map’. In: P. BARBER, ed., The Map Book Weidenfelf and Nicolson. 40-41
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Do All Roads lead to Rome?’. In: P. BARBER, ed., The Map Book Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 52-53
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Canon Law’. In: S. DUFFY, ed., Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia Routledge, New York and London. 63-64
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Devotional and Liturgical Literature’. In: S. DUFFY, ed., Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia Routledge, New York and London. 123-125
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Moral and Religious Instruction’. In: S. DUFFY, ed., Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia Routledge, New York and London. 337-339
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Penitentials’. In: S. DUFFY, ed., Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia Routledge, New York and London. 371-372
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Celtic Spirituality’. In: P. SHELDRAKE, ed., The New SCM Dictionary of Spirituality SCM Press, London. 182-184
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Gnosticism’. In: P. SHELDRAKE, ed., The New SCM Dictionary of Spirituality SCM Press, London. 323-325
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Pelagianism’. In: P. SHELDRAKE, ed., The New SCM Dictionary of Spirituality SCM Press, London. 482-483
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Proclaiming Christ in the Year of Mark’ The Pastoral Review. 1(6), 24-28
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sundays 11A and 12A of Ordinary Time; Birthday of John the Baptist; Saints Peter and Paul Scripture in Church. 35(138), 29-39, 71-82
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. Translating Panis in a Eucharistic Context: A Problem of Language and Theology Worship. 78, 226-35
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. Perceiving Palestine in Early Christian Ireland: Martyrium, Exegetical Key, Relic, and Liturgical Space Ériu. 54, 125-137
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. Things New and Old: Contemporary Cultural Tensions and the Tradition of Liturgy in Ireland. In: EGAN, J. and WHELAN, T.R., eds., City Limits: Mission Issues in Postmodern Times Dublin: Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy. 140-59
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. Early Medieval Introductions to the Holy Book. In: SWANSON, R.N., ed., Studies in Church History 38: The Church and the Book Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer. 22-31
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. Celibate clergy: The need for historical debate New Blackfriars. 85, 583-597
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. Liturgical Resources for Lent and Eastertide Columba Books.
  • O'LOUGHLIIN, T., 2004. ‘Two Sixteenth-Century Biblical Maps in the Founders’ Library, University of Wales, Lampeter’. In: W. MARX and J. BURTON, eds., Readers, Printers, Churchmen, and Travellers: Essays in Honour of David Selwyn Trivium. 121-168
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. ‘Ailerán’. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography O.U.P., Oxford.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. ‘Celebrating Ascension and Pentecost’ Scripture in Church. 34(134), 121-127
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. ‘Sincerity and the Liturgy’ The Furrow. 55, 538-544
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. [Liturgical Resources for:] Palm Sunday C; Holy Thursday; Good Friday; Easter Vigil; Easter Sunday C Scripture in Church. 34(134), 2-8, 36-43
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. The Didache as a Source for Picturing the Earliest Christian Communities: The Case of the Practice of Fasting. In: MAHONY, K.O., ed., Christian Origins: Worship, Belief and Society Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. 83-112
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. The Praxis and Explanations of Eucharistic Fraction in the Ninth Century: the Insular Evidence Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft. 45, 1-20
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. Reading Muirchú’s Tara-event within its background as a biblical “trial of divinities”. In: CARTWRIGHT, J., ed., Celtic Hagiography and Saints’ Cults Cardiff: University of Wales Press. 123-135
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. The cult of Mary within the structures of human time: A reading of some early mediaeval Irish martyrologies Maria. 3(2), 135-169
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T, 2003. ‘Reading Muirchú’s Tara-event within its background as a biblical “trial of divinities”’. In: J. CARTWRIGHT, ed., Celtic Hagiography and Saints' Cults University of Wales Press. 123-135
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Adomnán’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 8
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Aidan of Lindisfarne’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 15-16
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Bangor, Monastery of’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 68
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Canon Tables’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 154
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Céili Dé’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 176-177
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Christianity’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 192
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Church Reform’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 195
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Clerical celibacy’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 209
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Colm Cille’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 220
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Columbanus’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 221
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Confessio of Patrick’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 208
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Hagiography’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 466-467
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Iona’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 526-527
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Monastic Schools’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 734-735
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Monasticism’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 735
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Palladius’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 853
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Patrick, St.’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 861
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Vita sancti Columbae’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 1112-1113
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Anselm’. In: J.L. HOULDEN, ed., Jesus in History, Culture and Thought: An Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 47-49
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Celtic and Early English Christianity’. In: J.L. HOULDEN, ed., Jesus in History, Culture and Thought: An Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 156-160
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Didache’. In: J.L. HOULDEN, ed., 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 206-207
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Eriugena, John Scotus’. In: J.L. HOULDEN, ed., Jesus in History, Culture and Thought: An Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 250-251
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Isidore of Seville’. In: J.L. HOULDEN, ed., Jesus in History, Culture and Thought: An Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 410-412
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Jesus Letters’. In: J.L. HOULDEN, ed., Jesus in History, Culture and Thought: An Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 476-477
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Kempis, Thomas à’. In: J.L. HOULDEN, ed., Jesus in History, Culture and Thought: An Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 516-519
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘The Scriptures and Preaching at Eastertide’ Scripture Bulletin. 33, 66-78
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. [Liturgical Resources for:] Ascension B; Sunday 7B of Easter; Pentecost B; Trinity B; Corpus Christi B Scripture in Church. 33(134), 149-156, 190-202
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. Imagery of the New Jerusalem in the Periphyseon and Eriugena’s Irish Background. In: MCEVOY, J. and DUNNE, M., eds., History and Eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and His Time Leuven: Leuven University Press. 245-259
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. Muirchú’s theology of conversion in his Vita Patricii. In: ATHERTON, M., ed., Celts and Christians: New Approaches to the Religious Traditions of Britain and Ireland Cardiff: University of Wales Press. 124-45
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. Nominaliaeth yr Oesoedd Canol. In: DANIEL, J and GEALY, W.L., eds., Efrydiau Athronyddol 65 [O’r Oes Glasurol hyd at yr Oesoedd Canol] Cardiff: University of Wales Press. 62-74
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. Celtic Spirituality, Ecumenism, and the Contemporary Religious Landscape Irish Theological Quarterly. 67, 153-168
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. A Celtic Theology: Some Awkward Questions and Observations. In: NAGY, J.F., ed., Identifying the ‘Celtic’: Celtic Studies Association of North America Yearbook 2 Dublin: Four Courts Press. 49-65
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. Patrick: Missionary to the Irish Catholic Truth Society.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. 'Collectio Canonum Hibernensis, Book 46'. In: A. BOURKE, ed., The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing IV: Irish Women's Writings and Traditions New York University Press. 12-17
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. ‘Preaching on the Sundays of Eastertide’ Scripture in Church. 32(126), 244-248
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 2A of Easter; Sunday 3A of Easter; Sunday 4A of Easter Scripture in Church. 32(126), 130-135, 163-172.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. The Law of Adomnán Dublin: Four Courts Press Ltd.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. Newman: A Religious Quest Veritas.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Theologians and their use of historical evidence: some common pitfalls’ The Month. 261, 30-35
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Patrick on the margins of space and time’. In: K. MCGROARTY, ed., Eklogai: Eklogai: Studies in Honour of Thomas Finan and Gerard Watson Dept of Ancient Classics, Maynooth. 44-58
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘One island, one people, one nation: early Latin evidence for this motif in Ireland’ Institute of Technology Blanchardstown Journal. 4, 4-13
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Monasteries and manuscripts: the transmission of Latin learning in early medieval Ireland’. In: H. MORGAN, ed., Information, Media and Power through the Ages University College Dublin Press, Dublin. 46-64
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Irish preaching before the End of the ninth century: assessing the extent of our evidence’. In: A.J. FLETCHER and R. GILLESPIE, eds., Irish Preaching 700-1700 Four Courts Press, Dublin. 18-39
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘The Tombs of the Saints: their significance for Adomnán’. In: J. CAREY, M. HERBERT and P. Ó RIAIN, eds., Studies in Irish Hagiography: Saints and Scholars Four Courts Press, Dublin. 1-14
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Adomnán: A Man of Many Parts’. In: Adomnán at Birr, AD 697: Essays in Commemoration of the Law of the Innocents Four Courts Press, Dublin. 41-51
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘The Early Church’. In: D. COHN-SHERBOK and J.M. COURT, eds., Religious Diversity in the Graeco-Roman World: A Survey of Recent Scholarship Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield. 124-142
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., ed., 2001. Adomnán at Birr, AD 697: Essays in Commemoration of the Law of the Innocents Four Courts Press, Dublin.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Vulgate’. In: J.F.A. SAWYER and J.M.Y. SIMPSON, eds., Concise Encyclopedia of Language and Religion Elsevier, Amsterdam. 150-151
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Priesthood: Facing Problems with Open Eyes: Review of D.B. Cozzens, The Changing Face of the Priesthood’ Doctrine and Life. 51, 632-638
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 7C of Easter; Pentecost C; Trinity C; Corpus Christi C Scripture in Church. 31(122), 150-155, 195-2004
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Breaking and sharing: Inspiration from Early Christian Ireland’ Scripture in Church. 31(122), 246-249
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Liturgy for St Patrick’s Day’ The Furrow. 52, 140-144
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. Journeys on the Edges: The Celtic Tradition Orbis Books.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. Celtic Theology: Humanity, World and God in Early Irish Writings Continuum International Publishing Group.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Giraldus Cambrensis’s view of Europe’ History Ireland. 8(2), 16-21
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘The Plan of the New Jerusalem in the Book of Armagh’ Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies. 39, 23-38
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Palestine in the Aftermath of the Arab Conquest: The Earliest Latin Account’. In: R.N. SWANSON, ed., Studies in Church History: The Holy Land, Holy Lands, and Christian History 36. Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge. 78-89
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. 'Penitentials and Pastoral Care'. In: G.R. EVANS, ed., A History of Pastoral Care Cassell, London. 93-111
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Giraldus Cambrensis and the Sexual Agenda of the Twelfth-Century Reformers’ Journal of Welsh Religious History. 8, 1-15
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘The Diffusion of Adomnán’s De locis sanctis in the Medieval Period’ Ériu. 51, 93-106
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘A Woman’s Plight and the Western Fathers’. In: L.J. KREITZER and D.W. ROOKE, eds., Ciphers in the Sand: Interpretations of The Woman Taken in Adultery (John 7.53-8.11) Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield. 83-104
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Anticlericalism: Christian Perspectives’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 38-39
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Celtic Monasticism’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 265-269
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘David, St.’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 361-362
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Fasting: Western Christian’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 470-472
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Hagiography: Christian Perspectives’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 564-566
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Island Monasteries: Christian’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 669-673
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Manuscript Production: Christian’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 819-821
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Martyrs: Western Christian’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 831-833
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Master and Pupil: Christian Perspectives’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 835-837
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Penitential Books’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 1006-1007
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘St. Gallen, Switzerland’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 1112
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Bede’. In: T.A. HART, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Historical Theology Paternoster, London / Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 61-62
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Boethius’. In: T.A. HART, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Historical Theology Paternoster, London / Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 77-79
  • O and O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Eriugena’. In: T.A. HART, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Historical Theology Paternoster, London / Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 189-190
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Eucherius of Lyons’. In: T.A. HART, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Historical Theology Paternoster, London / Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 192-193
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Julian of Toledo’. In: T.A. HART, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Historical Theology Paternoster, London / Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 290-291
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 3B of Easter; Sunday 4B of Easter; Sunday 5B of Easter; Sunday 6B of Easter Priests and People. 14, 157-161
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Riches from the Tradition: Tírechán’s Creed’ Doctrine and Life. 50, 340-344
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘A Celtic Preface’ The Furrow. 51, 34-38
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. [Liturgical Resources for:] Holy Thursday; Good Friday; Easter Vigil; Easter Sunday B Scripture in Church. 30(118), 135-143, 173-180
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. St. Patrick: The Man and His Works Triangle.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Res, tempus, locus, persona: Adomnán’s Exegetical Method’. In: D. BROUN and T.O. CLANCY, eds., Spes Scotorum Hope of the Scots: Saint Columba, Iona and Scotland T. and T. Clark, Edinburgh. 139-158
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘The Development of Augustine the Bishop’s Critique of Astrology’ Augustinian Studies. 30, 83-103
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘The List of Illustrious Writers in the Pseudo-Bedan Collectanea’. In: H. CONRAD O’BRIAIN, A.M. D’ARCY and J. SCATTERGOOD, eds., Text and Gloss: Studies in Insular Learning and Literature Presented to Joseph Donovan Pheiffer Four Courts Press, Dublin. 34-48
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Tradition and Exegesis in the Eighth Century: The Use of Patristic Sources in Early Medieval Scriptural Commentaries’. In: O’LOUGHLIN, T., ed., The Scriptures and Early Medieval Ireland: Proceedings of the 1993 Conference of the Society for Hiberno-Latin Studies on Early Irish Exegesis and Homilectics Brepols, Turnhout. 217-239
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘An Early Thirteenth-Century Map in Dublin: A Window into the World of Giraldus Cambrensis’ Imago Mundi. 51, 24-39
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Priestly Celibacy and “Arguments from History”’ Doctrine and Life. 49, 411-422
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Distant Islands: The Topography of Holiness in the Nauigatio sancti Brendani’. In: M. GLASSCOE, ed., The Medieval Mystical Tradition: England, Ireland and Wales: (Exeter Symposium VI) D.S. Brewer, Woodbridge. 1-20
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. The writings of St Patrick - an English translation. In: O. DAVIES, ed., Celtic Spirituality Paulist Press, Mahwah NJ. 67-90; and 476-96
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. The Vita Patricii of Muirchú - an English translation. In: O. DAVIES, ed., Celtic Spirituality Paulist Press, Mahwah NJ. 91-117; and 496-506
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. Two Eucharistic chants from the Stowe Missal - an English translation. In: O. DAVIES, ed., Celtic Spirituality Paulist Press, Mahwah NJ. 314-316; and 519
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. Three Sunday catecheses - an English translation. In: O. DAVIES, ed., Celtic Spirituality Paulist Press, Mahwah NJ. 371-5; and 522-3
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. The Altus prosator - and English translation. In: O. DAVIES, ed., Celtic Spirituality Paulist Press, Mahwah NJ.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘The Eusebian Apparatus in some Vulgate Gospel Books’ Peritia. 13, 1-92
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘The Ancient Near East and Ancient Europe’. In: N. SMART, ed., Atlas of the World’s Religions O.U.P., Oxford. 96-115, 220-221, 223
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Adomnán’. In: A.D. FITZGERALD, ed., Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 8-9
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Caesarius of Arles’. In: A.D. FITZGERALD, ed., Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 115-116
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Cassiodorus’. In: A.D. FITZGERALD, ed., Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 143-144
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Fifth Century’. In: A.D. FITZGERALD, ed., Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 362-365
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Isidore’. In: A.D. FITZGERALD, ed., Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 457-458
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., ed., 1999. The Scriptures and Early Medieval Ireland: Proceedings of the 1993 Conference of the Society for Hiberno-Latin Studies on Early Irish Exegesis and Homilectics Brepols, Turnhout.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Ecology and Eschatology’ Ecotheology. 7, 71-80
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘How Not to Say Mass’ The Furrow. 50, 613-618
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 4A of Easter; Sunday 5A of Easter; Sunday 6A of Easter; Ascension Scripture in Church. 29(114), 137-142, 177-188
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. Teachers and Code-Breakers: the Latin Genesis Tradition, 430-800 Brepols.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Medieval church history: Beyond apologetics, after development: the awkward memories’ The Way. 38, 65-76
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘The Celtic Homily: Creeds and Eschatology’ Milltown Studies. 41, 99-115
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘“Documenta Q”: Its primitiae reviewed’ Milltown Studies. 41, 137-143
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Eucharist or Communion Service?’ The Way. 38, 365-374
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Christ and the Scriptures: The Chasm between Modern and Pre-modern Exegesis’ The Month. 259, 475-485
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Christ as the focus of Genesis Exegesis in Isidore of Seville’. In: T. FINAN and V. TWOMEY, eds., Studies in Patristic Christology Four Courts Press, Dublin. 144-162
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Maps and Acts: a problem in cartography and exegesis’ Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association. 21, 33-61
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Rhygyfarch’s Vita Dauidis: An Apparatus biblicus’ Studia Celtica. 32, 179-188
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Adomnán’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 4
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Biblical Exegesis’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 46
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Canon Law’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 68
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Columbanus’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 104-105
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘John Scottus Eriugena’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 278-279
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Lough Derg’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 331
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Monasteries, Irish, in continental Europe’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 363-364
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Monastic schools’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 365-366
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Pelagianism’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 437-438
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Penitentials’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 439
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Pilgrimage’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 442
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Shrines’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 512
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., ed., 1998. Hippolyte Delehaye: The Legends of the Saints Four Courts Press, Dublin.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘The Passion in the Liturgy: the demands of celebration’ New Liturgy. 100, 6-12
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. [Liturgical Resources for:] Palm Sunday C; Holy Thursday; Good Friday Scripture in Church. 28(110), 130-134, 164-170
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘Isidore’s Use of Gregory the Great in the Exegesis of Genesis’ Revue Bénédictine. 107, 263-269
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘Living in the Ocean: the significance of the patristic understanding of oceanus for writings from Iona’. In: C. BOURKE, ed., Studies in the Cult of Saint Columba Four Courts Press, Dublin. 11-23
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘Res, tempus, locus, persona: Adomnán’s Exegetical Method’ Innes Review. 95-111
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘The Mysticism of Number in the Medieval Period before Eriugena’. In: J.J. CLEARY, ed., The Perennial Tradition of Neoplatonism Leuven University Press, Leuven. 397-416
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘Individual anonymity and collective identity: the enigma of early medieval Latin theologians’ Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévale. 64, 291-314
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘Adomnán and Arculf: The Case of an Expert Witness’ Journal of Medieval Latin. 7, 127-146
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘Marriage and Sexuality in the Hibernensis’ Peritia. 11, 188-206
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘The Salzburg Fragment of Adomnán’s De locis sanctis’ Manuscripta. 41, 32-37
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘Adomnán’s De locis sanctis: a textual emendation and an additional source identification’ Ériu. 48, 37-40
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘“Wendepunkte”: Manuscript Index’ Hiberno-Latin Newsletter. 7, 4-8
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 2B of Easter; Sunday 3B of Easter; Sunday 4B of Easter Scripture in Church. 27(114), 130-137, 163-172
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘“The Gates of Hell”: From Metaphor to Fact’ Milltown Studies. 38, 98-114
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘Biblical Contradictions in the Periphyseon and the Development of Eriugena’s Method’. In: C. STEEL, J. MCEVOY and G. VAN RIEL, eds., Iohannes Scottus Eriugena and the Scriptures Leuven University Press. 103-126
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘Tyconius’ Use of the Canonical Gospels’ Revue Bénédictine. 106, 229-233
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘The Latin Sources of Medieval Irish Culture: A Partial Status Quaestionis’. In: K. MCCONE and K. SIMMS, eds., Progress in Celtic Studies Maynooth: An tSagart. 91-105
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘The View from Iona: Adomnán’s mental maps’ Peritia. 10, 98-122
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘The Text of Cyprian’s Ad Quirinum III, lviii: An Emendation’ Manuscripta. 40, 49-53
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘Muirchú’s Vita Patricii: A Note on an Unidentified Source’ Ériu. 47, 89-93
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘Adomnán and mira rotunditas’ Ériu. 47, 95-99
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘Dating the De situ Hierusolimae: The Insular Evidence’ Revue Bénédictine. 105, 9-19
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘Newman on Doing Theology’ New Blackfriars. 76, 92-98
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘The Meaning of ‘Gift’ in Latin and English Theological Usage’ Milltown Studies. 35, 134-137
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘The Symbol gives Life: Eucherius of Lyons’ Formula for Exegesis’. In: T. FINAN and V. TWOMEY, eds., Scriptural Interpretation in the Fathers: Letter and Spirit Four Courts Press. 221-252
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘Adomnán the Illustrious’ The Innes Review. 46, 1-14
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘The Controversy over Methuselah’s Death: Proto-chronology and the Origins of the Western Concept of Inerrancy’ Recherches de Théologie Ancienne et Médiévale. 62, 182-225
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘The Waters above the Heavens, Isidore, and the Latin Tradition’ Milltown Studies. 36, 104-117
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘Seeking the Medieval View of the Song of Songs’ Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association. 18, 94-116
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘Celibacy in the Catholic Church – A Brief History’ History Ireland. 3(4), 41-46
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1994. ‘St Patrick and an Irish Theology’ Doctrine and Life. 44, 153-159
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1994. ‘Astrology and Thirteenth Century Philosophy: A New Angle on Old Problems’ Milltown Studies. 33, 89-110
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1994. ‘The Latin Versions of the Scriptures in Use on Iona in the Late Seventh Century’ Peritia. 8, 18-26
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1994. ‘The Library of Iona in the Late Seventh Century: The Evidence from Adomnán’s De locis sanctis’ Ériu. 45, 33-52
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. ‘The Quincentenary of Schedel’s Map of the Creation: A Turning Point in the Development of the Modern Mind’ Milltown Studies. 31, 30-52
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. ‘The Earliest World Maps Known in Ireland’ History Ireland. 1(1), 7-10
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. ‘An Irish (?) Interpolation in Caesarius of Arles’ Sermo 84’ Milltown Studies. 31, 143-145
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. ‘Medieval Papal Letters: A Source for Local History’ History Ireland. 1(3), 56-58
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. ‘A Note on Isidore and the Pseudo-Isidore: Caveat lector’ Hiberno-Latin Newsletter. 6, 11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. ‘Adam’s Rib and the Equality of the Sexes: Some Medieval Exegesis of Gen 2:21-22’ Irish Theological Quarterly. 59, 44-54
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T. and H. CONRAD-O'BRIAIN, 1993. ‘The “baptism of tears” in early Anglo-Saxon sources’ Anglo-Saxon England. 22, 65-83
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. ‘Julian of Toledo’s Antikeimenon and the Development of Latin Exegesis’ Proceeding of the Irish Biblical Association. 16, 80-98
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. [Liturgical Resources for:] Reflections for Weekdays and Saints’ Days, Weeks 15-16, Year 1 Scripture in Church. 23(91), 310-313
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 2A; Sunday 3A; Sunday 4A Scripture in Church. 23(89), 10-15, 40-47
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1992. ‘“Aquae super caelos” (Gn 1:6-7): The First Faith-Science Debate’ Milltown Studies. 29, 92-114
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1992. ‘Unexplored Irish Influences on Eriugena’ Recherches de Théologie Ancienne et Médiévale. 59, 23-40
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1992. ‘The Libri Philosophorum and Augustine’s Conversions’. In: T. FINAN and V. TWOMEY, eds., The Relationship Between Neoplatonism and Christianity Four Courts Press. 101-125
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1992. ‘The Exegetical Purpose of Adomnán’s De Locis Sanctis’ Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies. 24, 37-53
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1992. ‘Adam’s Burial at Hebron: Some Aspects of its Significance in the Latin Tradition’ Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association. 15, 66-88
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1992. ‘The Spirituality of Teaching’ Religious Life Review. 31, 200-207, 233-237
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1991. ‘Newman, Vincent of Lérins and Development’ Irish Theological Quarterly. 58, 147-166
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1991. ‘B.N. Lat 10616: A hitherto un-noticed Carolingian scriptural work’ Hiberno-Latin Newsletter. 5, 13
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1991. [Liturgical Resources for:] Assumption of Mary Intercom. July-August, 30-31
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1990. ‘The Significance of Sunday: Three Ninth-Century Catecheses’ Worship. 64, 533-544
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T. and D. MCCARTNEY, eds., 1990. Cardinal Newman: The Catholic University: A Collection of his Writings in Connection with the University U.C.D., Dublin.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1990. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 3A Intercom. 29
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1990. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 20A Intercom. July-August, 32
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1989. ‘Knowing God and Knowing the Cosmos: Augustine’s Legacy of Tension’ Irish Philosophical Journal. 6, 27-58
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1989. ‘Who is Anselm’s Fool?’ The New Scholasticism. 63, 313-325
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1988. Cardinal Newman: Seeker of Truth Veritas Publications.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1988. ‘Newman and the Marian Year’ Homilectic and Pastoral Review. 88, 57-63
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1987. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 4A Intercom. February, 20
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1987. Marian Encyclical Veritas, Dublin.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1987. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 4B of Advent; Christmas Day Intercom. December, 26-30
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1987. [Liturgical Resources for:] St Patrick’s Day Intercom. March, 34
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1986. [Liturgical Resources for:] Epiphany Intercom. January, 26
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1986. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 11C Intercom. June, 29
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1984. The Demand and Supply of Priests from All Hallows College, Dublin, in America: 1842-1860 Records of the American Catholic Historical Society. 95, 39-60
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1983. All Hallows College and America 1842-1860. In: All Hallows Studies 1983 47-65
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., ‘Isidore of Seville’. In: Encyclopedia of Christian Civilisation Blackwells, Oxford. (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., ‘Esdras, Books of, in Christianity’. In: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception De Gruyter, Berlin. (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., ‘Ezra, Greek Apocalypse of’. In: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception De Gruyter, Berlin. (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., ‘Ezra, Questions of. In: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception De Gruyter, Berlin. (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., ‘Ezra, Revelation of’. In: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception De Gruyter, Berlin. (In Press.)
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., ‘Ezra, Vision of’. In: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception De Gruyter, Berlin. (In Press.)
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