Биелик-Робсон А.
Профессиональные интересы: Религиоведение, Иудаизм

Краткая биографическая справка:

Профессор иудаики Ноттингемского университета.

Родилась в 1966. Защитила докторскую (PhD) диссертацию по философии в 1995 г.

Работает также в Институте философии и социологии Польской академии наук.

Академические интересы: философия религии, религиоведение, иудаизм.

Библиография работ автора:
  • 2013. From Therapy to Redemption: Notes Towards a Messianic Psychoanalysis. In: Traces of Judaism in Contemporary Thought A. Bielik-Robson, A. Lipszyc. Routledge. (In Press.)
  • 2012. The Promise of the Name: Jewish Nominalism as the Critique of Idealist Tradition Bamidbar. The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy. 3(1/2012), 11-35
  • 2012. Homo anxius. Modernity on Its Way from Fear to Joy. In: Civilisation and Fear: Anxiety and the Writing of the Subject W. Kalaga. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • 2012. Erros. Mesjański witalizm i filozofia Universitas, Cracow.
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2011. The Saving Lie. Harold Bloom and Deconstruction Chicago, Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2011. Denaturalization and the Issue of Life in Jewish and Greek Thought. In: ORIETTA OMBROSI, ed., Tra Torah e Sophia. Orrizonti e frontiere della filosofia ebraica Milano: Casa Editrice Marietti.
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2011. The Psychic Palimpsest: Freud, Derrida and Bloom on the Textual Metaphor of the Soul. In: BOZENA SHALCROSS, ed., The Effect of Palimpsest Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlag.
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2011. Messiah without Resentment, or What Remains of Messianism in Giorgio Agamben’s Remnants of Auschwitz Bamidbar. The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy. 1(1/2011),
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2011. Tarrying with the Apocalypse. The Wary Messianism of Rosenzweig and Levinas. In: ARTHUR BRADLEY AND PAUL FLETCHER, ed., The Messianic Now. Philosophy, Religion, Culture Routledge.
  • 2011. Another Conversion.: Stanisław Brzozowski’s ‘Diary’ as an Early Instance of the Post-Secular Turn to Religion Studies in East European Thought. 63(4), 279-291
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2010. The Broken Constellation: Agamben’s Theology between Tragedy and Messianism Telos. 152(Fall 2010), 103-126
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2009. Troubles with Divine Aesthetics: A. J. Heschel’s Tarrying with the Sublime. In: ADAM LIPSZYC AND STANISŁAW KRAJEWSKI, ed., Abraham Joshua Heschel. Philosophy, Theology and Interreligious Dialogue Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz Verlag. 67-86
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2009. The Apocalyptic Breeze: Nihilism as a Messianic Strategy. In: ANETA SZYLAK AND GALIL ELIAT, ed., Chosen Tel Aviv: Institute of Digital Art.
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2009. Tarrying with the Apocalypse. The Wary Messianism of Rosenzweig and Levinas Journal for Cultural Research. 249-266
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2008. Nihilism through the Looking Glass: Nietzsche, Rosenzweig, and Scholem on the Condition of Modern Disenchantment Revero. Revista de Estudas da Religiao.
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2008. Slavoj Zizek, or How to Philosophize with a Hammer (and a Sickle) International Journal of Zizek Studies.
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2008. Aporias of Revelation: The Intrigue of Trace between Mysticism and Atheism. In: ADAM LIPSZYC, ed., Emmanuel Levinas. Between Philosophy and Theology Warsaw-Jerusalem: Adam Mickiewicz Institute Press.
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2008. The Traps of the Sublime The Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory, 9.2.
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2008. Promises and Excuses. Derrida and the Aporia of Narcissism Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology.
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2004. Die beeinflusste Seele: Harold Bloom und die Theorie der agonistischen Subjektivierung. In: PAWEL DYBEL AND HANS JÖRG SANDKÜHLER, ed., Der Begriff des Subjekts in der modernen und postmodernen Philosophie Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag.
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2003. Hermeneutics as Via Negativa: Paul Ricoeur and the Romantics. In: ANDRZEJ WIERCIŃSKI, ed., Between Suspicion and Sympathy. Paul Ricoeur’s Unstable Equilibrium Toronto: The Hermeneutic Press.
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2002. Freedom and Dependence: A Psychoanalytical Contribution to the Problem of Determination Angelaki. Journal of The Theoretical Humanities. 7(3/2002),
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2002. Limits of Irony: Freedom and Responsibility in Culture. In: P. JUCHACZ AND P. KOZLOWSKI, ed., Freiheit und Verantwortung. Moral, Recht, Politik Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag.
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2002. The Primacy of Difference; On the Lack of Equillibrium in the Contemporary Moral Discourse. In: M. KEMPNY AND A. JAWLOWSKA, ed., The East-West Convergencies London: Greenwood.
  • BIELIK-ROBSON, A., 2000. Bad timing: The Subject as a Work of Time Angelaki. Journal of The Theoretical Humanities. 5(3/2000),
Контакты: Room B4 Highfield House
University Park

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