Лоудс Э.
Профессиональные интересы: Миссия Церкви, Философия, Религиоведение, Социальное служение
Конфессии: Христианство
Краткая биографическая справка:
Заслуженный профессор Даремского университета. Почетный профессор университета St Andrews.
Является первой женщиной, получишвей именную профессорскую кафедру в Дареме (в 1995 г.) и награжденной орденом Британской империи за иследования в области богословия.
В 2005-06 гг. являлась президентом Society for the Study of Theology.
Академические интересы: феминистическое богословие, богословие и философия, христианская духовность.
Библиография работ автора:
- Loades, A. 2001. Feminist theology voices from the past. Oxford: Polity. (View publication online)
Под редакцией
- Loades, A., Astley, J. & Brown, D. W. 2009. Christology: key readings in Christian thought. WJK/SPCK.
Статьи в сборниках
- Loades, A. 2011. 'Introduction to the 2011 Series Edition' of The Sacred Plays of Dorothy L. Sayers. In The Zeal of Thy House/ He That Should Come/ The Devil to Pay/ The Man Born to be King/ The Just Vengeance/ The Emperor Constantine. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock. Each volume: 7-20.
- Loades, A. 2011. Dorothy L. Sayers: War and Redemption. In C.S.Lewis and Friends. Faith and the Power of Imagination. Hein, D. & Henderson, E. London: SPCK. 53-70.
- Loades, A. 2011. Elizabeth Cady Stanton's The Woman's Bible. In The Oxford Handbook of The Reception History of the Bible. Lieb, M., Mason, E. & Roberts, J. Oxford: OUP. 307-322.
- Loades, A. 2010. On Gender. In The Cambridge Companion to C.S. Lewis. MacSwain, R. & Ward, M. Cambridge: CUP. 160-173.
- Loades, A. 2010. Unequivocal affirmation of the saving significance of "difference". In Presiding Like a Woman. Slee, N. & Burns, S. London: SPCK. 77-86.
- Loades, Ann. 2009. Mary: Bone of Contention. In From the Margins 2. Women of the New Testament and their Afterlives. Joynes, CE & Rowland, CC Sheffield: Phoenix. 53-66.
- Loades, Ann. 2009. The Nativity in recent poetry. In New perspectives on the Nativity. Corley, J. T&T Clark. 148-164.
- Loades, A. 2008. Religious Motivation and the Abuse of Women: Some reflections on the concerns of Josephine Butler. In Beating Traffic: Josephine Butler and Anglican Social Action on Prostitution Today. Milbank, A. Mann. 108-119.
- Loades, A. 2008. Table. In Renewing the Eucharist, vol. 1: Journey. Burns, S. Canterbury. 62-80.
- Loades, A. 2006. Introduction. In The Truth-Seeking Heart: Austin Farrer and His Writings: A Reader. MacSwain, R. W. & Loades, A. Canterbury. xi-xvii.
- Loades, A. & Brown, D. W. 2006. Learning from the Arts. In Who is this Man?. Baker, J. & Davage, W. Continuum. 67-102.
- Loades, A. 2005. 'Eucharistic Spirituality' and 'Sacramental Spirituality'. In The New SCM Dictionary of Christian Spirituality. Sheldrake, P. SCM. 286-289, 553-555.
- Loades, A. 2005. On Music's Grace. In Truth, Religious Dialogue and Dynamic Orthodoxy. Lipner, J. SCM. 25-38.
- Loades, A. 2005. Philosophy of Religion: its Relation to Theology. In Faith and Philosophical Analysis. Harris, H. & Insole, C. Ashgate. 136-147.
- Loades, A. 2005. Sacramentality and Christian spirituality. In The Blackwell companion to Christian spirituality. Holder, A. London: Blackwell. 254-268. (View publication online)
- Loades, A. 2004. Finding new sense in the 'sacramental'. In The Gestures of God. Hall, C. & Rowell, G. Continuum. 161-172.
- Loades, A. 2004. From Kant to Fukuyama and beyond some reflections. In Public theology for the 21st century. Storrar, William F. & Morton, Andrew R. London: T&T Clark. 143-157. (View publication online)
- Loades, A. 2004. The vitality of tradition Austin Farrer and friends. In Captured by the crucified the practical theology of Austin Farrer. Henderson, E. & Hein, D. London: T&T Clark. 15-46. (View publication online)
Журнальные публикации
- Loades, Ann. 2010. C.S. Lewis and Gender. Priscilla Papers 24(1): 19-24.
- Loades, Ann. 2010. Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941): mysticism and worship. International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 10(1): 57-70.
- Loades, Ann. 2010. Simone Weil: resistance and writing. International Journal of Public Theology 4: 100-117.
- Loades, A. 2006. Whither Theology and Religious Studies in Ireland the the UK? Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Philosophical and Religious Studies 5(2): 29-47.