Моберли У., свящ.
Профессиональные интересы: Новый Завет, Текстология, Экзегетика и герменевтика, Библейское богословие
Конфессии: Англиканские церкви
Краткая биографическая справка:
Профессор библеистики Даремского университета. Англиканский священник.
Преподает в Дареме с 1985 г.
Научные интересы Моберли сфокусированы в области изучения библейской герменевтики, библейского богословия.
Наиболее известные научные работы - "The Theology of the Book of Genesis" и "Prophecy and Discernment".
Библиография работ автора:
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2009. The Theology of the Book of Genesis. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. (View publication online)
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2006. Prophecy and discernment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (View publication online)
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2000. The Bible, Theology, and Faith: A Study of Abraham and Jesus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 1992. From Eden to Golgotha: Essays in Biblical Theology. Atlanta: Scholars Press.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 1992. Genesis 12-50. Sheffield: JSOT Press.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 1992. The Old Testament of the Old Testament: Patriarchal Narratives and Mosaic Yahwism. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 1983. At the Mountain of God: Story and Theology in Exodus 32-34. Sheffield: JSOT Press.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2012. Pneumatic Biblical Hermeneutics: A Response. In Spirit & Scripture: Examining a Pneumatic Hermeneutic. Spawn, Kevin L. & Wright, Archie T. T. & T. Clark International. 160-165.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2011. By Stone and Sling: 1 Samuel 17:50 and the Problem of Misreading David's Victory over Goliath. In On Stone and Scroll: Essays in Honour of Graham Ivor Davies. Aitken, James, K., Dell, Katharine J. & Mastin, Brian A. de Gruyter. 329-342.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2011. Miracles in the Hebrew Bible. In The Cambridge Companion to Miracles. Twelftree, Graham H. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 57-74. (View publication online)
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2011. What is Theological Commentary? An Old Testament Perspective. In Theological Commentary: Evangelical Perspectives. Allen, R. Michael T. & T. Clark International. 172-186.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2010. Is Election Bad for You?. In The Centre and the Periphery: A European Tribute to Walter Brueggemann. Middlemas, Jill, Clines, David J.A. & Holt, Else K. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press. 95-111. (View publication online)
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2010. Preaching Christ from the Old Testament. In 'He Began with Moses.': Preaching the Old Testament Today. Kent, Grenville J.R., Kissling, Paul J. & Turner, Laurence A. Nottingham: Inter-Varsity Press. 233-250.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2010. The State of the Art in Biblical Hermeneutics. In Communion Already Shared and Further Steps: 20 Years after the Meissen Declaration. Hill, Christopher,, Kaiser, Matthias,, Nathaniel, Leslie, & Schwoebel, Christoph. Frankfurt: Otto Lembeck. 247-264.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2009. Exemplars of Faith in Hebrews 11: Abel. In The Epistle to the Hebrews and Christian Theology. Bauckham, Richard, Driver, Daniel R., Hart, Trevor A. & MacDonald, Nathan Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 353-363.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2009. How Should One Read the Early Chapters of Genesis? In Reading Genesis After Darwin. Barton, Stephen C. & Wilkinson, David New York: Oxford University Press. 5-21`.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2009. Pentateuch. In The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible: Me-R: Volume 4. Sakenfeld, Katharine Doob. Nashville: Abingdon Press. 430-438.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2009. The Use of the Old Testament in Pope Benedict XVI's Jesus of Nazareth. In The Pope and Jesus of Nazareth. Pabst, Adrian. & Paddison, Angus. London: SCM. 97-108.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2008. Isaiah and Jesus: How Might the Old Testament Inform Contemporary Christology? In Seeking the Identity of Jesus: A Pilgrimage. Hays, Richard & Gaventa, Beverly Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 232-248.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2008. Johannine Christology and Jewish-Christian Dialogue. In Scripture's Doctrine and Theology's Bible: How the New Testament Shapes Christian Dogmatics. Bockmuehl, Markus & Torrance, Alan J. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic. 45-58.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2008. On Interpreting the Mind of God: The Theological Significance of the Flood Narrative (Genesis 6-9). In The Word Leaps the Gap: Essays on Scripture and Theology in Honor of Richard B. Hays. Wagner, J.Ross, Rowe, C.Kavin & Grieb, A.Katherine Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 44-66.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2007. Is Monotheism Bad for You? Some Reflections on God, the Bible, and Life in the Light of Regina Schwartz's The Curse of Cain. In The God of Israel. Gordon, R.P. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. 94-112.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2007. On Learning Spiritual Disciplines: A Reading of Exodus 16. In Reading the Law: Studies in Honour of Gordon J. Wenham. McConville, J.G. & Moeller, K. New York & London: T. & T. Clark International. 213-227.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2007. Who is Jesus Christ for Us Today? Peter's Confession (Matthew 16:13-28) Reconsidered. In Christology and Scripture: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Lincoln, Andrew T. & Paddison, Angus London: T. & T. Clark International. 7-21.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2004. “The Canon of the Old Testament: Some Historical and Hermeneutical Reflections from a Western Perspective”. In Das Alte Testament als christliche Bibel in orthodoxer and westlicher Sicht. IZ Dimitrov, JDG Dunn, U Luz & KW Niebuhr WUNT 174; Mohr Siebeck. 239-257.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2004. How appropriate is ‘monotheism’ as a category for biblical interpretation?. In Early Jewish and Christian monotheism. Stuckenbruck, Loren T. & North, Wendy E. S. London: T&T Clark. 216-234. (View publication online)
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2003. “Holy, Holy, Holy: Isaiah’s Vision of God”. In Holiness Past and Present. Barton, S.C. London: T & T Clark. 122-140.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2003. How Can We Know the Truth? A Study of John 7:14-18. In The Art of Reading Scripture. Davis, Ellen F. & Hays, Richard B. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 239-257.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2003. Jonah, God’s objectionable mercy and the way of wisdom. In Reading texts, seeking wisdom: scripture and theology. Ford, David F. & Stanton, Graham. London: SCM Press. 154-168. (View publication online)
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2003. Living Dangerously: Genesis 22 and the Quest for Good Biblical Interpretation. In The Art of Reading Scripture. Davis, Ellen F. & Hays, Richard B. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 181-197.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2001. The Christ of the Old and New Testaments. In The Cambridge Companion to Jesus. Bockmuehl, Markus Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 184-199.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 1999. 'On Learning to be a True Prophet: The Story of Balaam and his Ass'. In New Heaven and New Earth: Prophecy and the Millennium: Essays in Honour of Anthony Gelston. Harland, Peter J. & Hayward, Robert Leiden: Brill. 1-17.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 1999. 'Solomon and Job: Divine Wisdom in Human Life'. In Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?. Barton, S.C. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark. 3-17.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 1999. 'Theology of the Old Testament'. In The Face of Old Testament Studies: A Survey of Contemporary Approaches. Baker, David W. & Arnold, Bill T. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 452-478.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 1999. 'Toward an Interpretation of the Shema'. In Theological Exegesis: Essays in Honor of Brevard S. Childs. Seitz, Christopher & Greene-McCreight, Kathryn Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 124-144.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 1998. ''God is not a Human that He Should Repent' (Numbers 23:19 & 1 Samuel 15:29)'. In God in the Fray: A Tribute to Walter Brueggemann. Linafelt, Tod & Beal, Timothy K. Minneapolis: Fortress. 112-123.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2010. "Interpret the Bible Like Any Other Book"? Requiem for an Axiom. Journal of Theological Interpretation 4(1): 91-110.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2010. On Reading and Teaching the Old Testament. Concilium 2010/2: 91-98.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2009. What is Theological Interpretation of Scripture? Journal of Theological Interpretation 3(2): 161-178.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2008. 'In God We Trust'? The Challenge of the Prophets. Ex Auditu 24: 18-33.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2008. Biblical Criticism and Religious Belief. Journal of Theological Interpretation 2(1): 71-100.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2008. Did the Interpreters Get it Right? Genesis 2-3 Reconsidered. Journal of Theological Studies 59(1): 22-40.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2007. Christ in All the Scriptures? The Challenge of Reading the Old Testament as Christian Scripture. Journal of Theological Interpretation 1(1): 79-100.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2007. The Mark of Cain - Revealed at Last?. Harvard Theological Review 100(1): 11-28. (View publication online)
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2003. Does God Lie to His Prophets? The Story of Micaiah ben Imlah As a Test Case. Harvard Theological Review 96(1): 1-23.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2003. Preaching for a Response? Jonah's Message to the Ninevites Reconsidered'. Vetus Testamentum 53(2): 156-168.
- Moberly, R. W. L. 2002. How may we speak of God? a reconsideration of the nature of biblical theology. Tyndale bulletin 53(2): 177-202. (View publication online)
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2001. 'Whose Justice? Which Righteousness? The Interpretation of Isaiah V 16'. Vetus Testamentum 51(1): 55-68.
- Moberly, R.W.L. 2000. Why Did Noah Send Out a Raven? Vetus Testamentum 50(3): 345-356.