Уотсон Ф.
Профессиональные интересы: Новый Завет, Исагогика, Библеистика, Текстология, Экзегетика и герменевтика, Библейское богословие
Конфессии: Англиканские церкви

Краткая биографическая справка:

Профессор Даремского университета (Великобритания).

Получил степени магистра и доктора (PhD) богословия в Оксфордском университете.

В 1984-1999 гг. являлся преподавателем библейского богословия в "King’s College" (Лондон).

В 1999-2007 гг. преподавал новозаветную экзегетику в Университете Абердина.

С 2007 г. является профессором новозаветной экзегетики в Даремском университете.

Академические интересы: новозаветная экзегетика и герменевтика, библейское богословие, богословие Посланий апостола Павла.

Библиография работ автора:


  • Watson, Francis B. 2007. Paul, Judaism and the Gentiles Beyond the New Perspective (Revised and Expanded Edition). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.
  • Watson, Francis B. 2004. Paul and the Hermeneutics of Faith. London and New York: T. & T. Clark. (View publication online)
  • Watson, Francis B. 2000. Agape, Eros, Gender: Towards a Pauline Sexual Ethic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Watson, Francis B. 1997. Text and Truth: Redefining Biblical Theology. Edinburgh: T & T Clark.
  • Watson, Francis B. 1994. Text, Church and World: Biblical Interpretation in Theological Perspective. Edinburgh: T & T Clark.
  • Watson, Francis B. 1986. Paul, Judaism and the Gentiles: A Sociological Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Под редакцией

  • Watson, Francis B. 1993. The Open Text: New Directions for Biblical Studies?. London: SCM Press.

Статьи в научных сборниках

  • Watson, Francis B. 2009. Mistranslation and the Death of Christ: Isaiah 53 LXX and its Pauline Reception. In Translating the New Testament: Text, Translation, Theology. Porter, Stanley E. & Boda, Mark J. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. 215-250.
  • Watson, Francis B. 2007. “I Received from the Lord.” Paul, Jesus and the Last Supper. In Jesus and Paul Reconnected. Still, Todd. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.
  • Watson, Francis B. 2006. Are There Still Four Gospels? A Study in Theological Hermeneutics. In Reading Scripture with the Church. Adam, A. K. M., Fowl, S., Vanhoozer, K. & Watson, F. B. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker.
  • Watson, Francis B. 2006. Constructing an Antithesis Pauline and Other Jewish Perspectives on Divine and Human Agency. In Divine and Human Agency in Paul and His Cultural Environment. Barclay, John M. G. & Gathercole, Simon J. London and New York: T. & T. Clark. 99-116. (View publication online)
  • Watson, Francis B. 2006. The Fourfold Canonical Gospel. In The Cambridge Companion to the Gospels. Barton, Stephen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 34-52.
  • Watson, Francis B. 2006. The Gospel of John and New Testament Theology. In The Nature of New Testament Theology. Rowland, C. & Tuckett, C. Oxford: Blackwell. 248-62.
  • Watson, Francis B. 2002. Barth's Philippians as Theological Exegesis. In Epistle to the Philippians. Barth, Karl Louisville: Westminster John Knox. xxvi-li.
  • Watson, Francis B. 2002. Is There a Story in These Texts? In Narrative Dynamics in Paul. Longenecker, Bruce W. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press. 231-39.
  • Watson, Francis B. 2001. The quest for the real Jesus. In The Cambridge Companion to Jesus. Bockmuehl, Markus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 156-69.
  • Watson, Francis B. 2000. The Bible. In The Cambridge Companion to Karl Barth. Webster, John. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 57-71.
  • Watson, Francis B. 1997. The Scope of Hermeneutics. In The Cambridge Companion to Christian Doctrine. Gunton, C. E. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 65-80.
  • Watson, Francis B. 1997. Towards a Literal Reading of the Gospels. In The Gospels for All Christians. Bauckham, Richard. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans. 189-211.
  • Watson, Francis B. 1994. “He is Not Here.” Towards a Theology of the Empty Tomb. In Resurrection: Essays in Honour of Leslie Houlden. Barton, Stephen. & Stanton, Graham. London: SPCK. 95-107.
  • Watson, Francis B. 1987. Is John’s Christology Adoptionist? In The Glory of Christ in the New Testament. Wright, N. T. & Hurst, L. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 113-24.

Статьи в научных журналах

  • Watson, Francis B. 2010. ‘Beyond Suspicion: On the Authorship of the Mar Saba Letter and the Secret Gospel of Mark’. Journal of Theological Studies n.s. 61(1): 128-170.
  • Watson, Francis B. 2009. Q as Hypothesis: A Study in Methodology. New Testament Studies 55(04): 397-415
  • Watson, Francis B. 2006. Paul the Reader: An Authorial Apologia. Journal for the Study of the New Testament 28: 363-73.
  • Watson, Francis B. 2006. Response. SJT 59: 461-68.
  • Watson, Francis B. 2002. “America’s theologian” an appreciation of Robert Jenson’s Systematic Theology, with some remarks about the Bible. Scottish Journal of Theology 55: 201-23.
  • Watson, Francis B. 2000. The Authority of the Voice: A Theological Reading of 1 Cor. 11.2-16. New Testament Studies 46: 520-36.
  • Watson, Francis B. 2000. The Triune Divine Identity: Reflections on Pauline God-Language, in Disagreement with J. D. G. Dunn. Journal for the Study of the New Testament 80: 99-124.
  • Watson, Francis B. 1999. Trinity and Community: A Reading of John 17. International Journal of Systematic Theology 1: 168-84.
  • Watson, Francis B. 1998. Theology and Music. Scottish Journal of Theology 51: 1-29.
  • Watson, Francis B. 1996. Bible, Theology and the University: A Response to Philip Davies. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 72: 3-16.
  • Watson, Francis B. 1985. The Social Function of Mark’s Secrecy Theme. Journal for the Study of the New Testament 24: 49-69.
  • Watson, Francis B. 1984. 2 Cor. X-XIII and Paul’s Painful Letter to the Corinthians. Journal of Theological Studies 35: 324-346.
Контакты: francis.watson@durham.ac.uk

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