Дэвис Д.Дж.
Профессиональные интересы: Апологетическое (основное) богословие, Религиоведение, Культурология, История религий
Конфессии: Англиканские церкви
Краткая биографическая справка:
Родился в 1947 г. в Уэльсе. Получил бакалаврскую и магистерскую степени в Даремском университете. Затем защитил докторскую диссертацию (PhD) в Университете Ноттингема.
Затем получил высшую докторскую степень (Doctor of Letters) в Оксфордском университете. Является почетным доктором Университета Уппсалы (Швеция).
Профессор религиоведения Департамента теологии и религии Даремского университета.
Специалист в области исследования истории, богословия и социологии смерти.
Кроме того, Дэвис занимается антропологией, религиоведением, исследованием погребальных ритуалов и верований.
Книга Дэвиса "Reusing Old Graves: A Report on Popular British Attitudes", написанная совместно с Алаистером Шоу, выиграла в 1995 г. почетную премию Diagram.
В течение последних лет Дэвис работал над следующими проектами: "The Encyclopedia of Cremation", "The Clergy and British Society: 1940-2000", "A Brief History of Death", "Inner-speech and prayer" and "Ritual purity".Библиография работ автора:
- Davies, Douglas J. 2010. Joseph Smith, Jesus, and Satanic Opposition: Atonement, Evil and the Mormon Vision. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Davies, D. J. 2008. The Theology of Death. London: T&T Clark.
- Davies, D. J. 2004. A Brief History of Death. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Davies, D. J. 2003. An Introduction to Mormonism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (View publication online)
- Davies, D. J. 2002. Anthropology and Theology. Oxford: Berg. (View publication online)
- Davies DJ 2000. The Mormon Culture of Salvation.
- Davies DJ 1997. Death Ritual and Belief The Rhetoric of Funerary Rites.
- Davies DJ & Alastair Shaw 1995. Reusing Old Graves: A Report on Popular Briitish Attitudes.
Под редакцией
- Davies, Douglas J. & Mates, Lewis H. 2005. Encyclopedia of Cremation. London: Ashgate. (View publication online)
- Davies, D. J., Cameron, H., Richter, P. & Ward, F. 2005. Studying Local Churches: A Handbook. London: SCM Press.
Главы в книгах
- Davies, Douglas J. 2010. Geographies of the Spirit World. In The Matter of Death, Space, Place and Materiality. Hockey, Jenny., Komaromy, Carol. & Woodthorpe, Kate. Basingstoke.: Palgrave Macmillan. 208 - 222.
- Davies, Douglas J. 2009. Baptism for the dead; Cremation: Cremation Movements. In Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Condition. Bryant, Clifton & Peck, Dennis L. Los Angeles: Sage. 98 -101, 232 - 237, 237 - 241.
- Davies, Douglas J. 2009. Christ in Mormonism. In Hammer, Olav. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 170 -189.
- Davies, Douglas J. 2009. Dying in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition. In The Study of Dying. Kellehear, Alan. Cambridge.: Cambridge University Press. 233 - 252.
- Davies, Douglas J. 2009. Superplausibility in Life and Death. In Religionssociologi i brytningstider. Bremborg, Anna Davidsson et al. Lund, Sweden: Lund University. 13 - 28.
- Davies, Douglas J. 2009. Visions, Revelations and Courage in Joseph Smith. In Joseph Smith Jnr. Reappraisals after Two Centuries. Nelson, Reid L. & Givens, Terryl L. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 129 - 142.
- Davies, Douglas J. 2008. Resurrection and Immortality of the Soul. In Death our Future. Jupp, Peter C. London: Epworth. 82 - 92.
- Davies, D. J. 2008. Cultural Intensification: A Theory for religion. In Religion and the Individual. Day, Abby Aldershot: Ashgate. 7-18.
- Davies, D. J. 2007. The invention of sacred tradition: Mormonism. In The Invention of Sacred Tradition. Lewis, J. R. & Hammer, O. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 56-75.
- Davies, D. J. 2006. Inner Speech and Religious Traditions. In Theorizing Religion. Beckford, J. A. & Walliss, J. Aldershot: Ashgate. 211-223.
- Davies, D. J. 2005. Forms of Disposal. In Death and Religion in a Changing World. Garces-Foley, K. New York: M. E. Sharpe. 228-245.
- Davies, D. J. 2004. Priests, parish and people reconceiving a relationship. In Congregational studies in the UK Christianity in a post-Christian context. Guest, M., Tusting, K. & Woodhead, L. Aldershot: Ashgate. 153-168. (View publication online)
- Davies, D. J. 2004. Time, Place and Mormon Sense of Self. In Religion, Identity and Change. Colemand, S. & Collins, P. Aldershot: Ashgate. 107-118.
- Davies, D. J. 2001. Health morality and sacrifice the sociology of disasters. In The Blackwell companion to sociology of religion. Fenn, R. K. Oxford: Blackwell. 404-417. (View publication online)
- Davies DJ 1995. 'Rebounding Vitality: Resurrection and Spirit in Luke-Acts'. The Bible in Human Society (eds) M.D. Carroll, D. Clines and P. Davies. In
Статьи в научных журналах
- Davies, Douglas J. 2008. Death, Immortality, and Sir James Frazer. Mortality Vol. 13.(No, 3.): 287-296.
- Davies, D. J. 2007. Mormon History, Text, Colour and Rites. Journal of Religious History 31(3): 305-315.