Барклай Дж.
Профессиональные интересы: Новый Завет, Исагогика, Текстология, Экзегетика и герменевтика
Конфессии: Англиканские церкви
Краткая биографическая справка:
После обучения классической филологии и богословию в бакалавриате и магистратуре Кэмбриджского университета, защитил докторскую диссертацию (PhD) по Посланию к Галатам в том же университете.
В 1984-2003 гг. преподавал богословие в Университете Глазго (Шотландия).
В 2003 г. получил профессорскую должность в Даремском университете, где стал преподавать Новый Завет..
Академические интересы: новозаветная экзегетика и исагогика, раннеиудейская история, история ранней Церкви.Библиография работ автора:
- Barclay, J.M.G. 2011. Pauline Churches and Diaspora Jews. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
- Barclay, John M. G. 2007. Flavius Josephus translation and commentary. Leiden: Brill. (View publication online)
- Barclay, J. M. G. 1997. Colossians and Philemon. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 1996. Jews in the Mediterranean Diaspora from Alexander to Trajan (323 BCE - 117 CE). Edinburgh: T&T Clark.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 1988. Obeying the Truth. A Study of Paul’s Ethics in Galatians. Edinburgh: T&T Clark.
Под редакцией
- Barclay, J. M. G. & Gathercole, S. 2006. Divine and Human Agency in Paul and his Cultural Environment. London: T&T Clark.
- Barclay, J.M.G. 2004. Negotiating Diaspora: Jewish Strategies in the Roman Empire. Library of Second Temple Studies. London: T&T Clark.
- Barclay, J.M.G. 1998. Frequently Asked Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Glasgow: Trinity St. Mungo Press.
- Barclay, J. M. G. & Sweet, John P. M. 1996. Early Christian Thought in its Jewish Context. Cambridge: CUP.
Статьи в сборниках
- Barclay, J.M.G. 2011. Believers and the "Last Judgment" in Paul: Rethinking Grace and Recompense. In Eschatologie - Eschatology. Eckstein, H.-J., Landmesser, C. & Lichtenberger, H. Mohr Siebeck. 195-208.
- Barclay, J.M.G. 2011. Paul, Judaism and the Jewish People. In The Blackwell Companion to Paul. Westerholm, S. Wiley-Blackwell. 188-201.
- Barclay, J. M G. 2010. Unnerving Grace: Approaching Romans 9-11 from The Wisdom of Solomon. In Between Gospel and Election: Explorations in the Interpretation of Romans 9-11. Wilk, F. & Wagner, J. R. Mohr Siebeck. 91-109.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2009. Grace within and Beyond Reason: Philo and Paul in Dialogue. In Paul, Grace and Freedom. Essays in Honour of John K. Riches. Middleton, P., Paddison, A. & Wenell, K. London: T&T Clark. 9-21.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2009. Josephus’ Contra Apionem as Jewish Apologetics. In Critique and Apologetics: Jews, Christians and Pagans in Antiquity. Jacobsen, A.-C., Ulrich, J. & Brakke, D. Frankurt am Main: Peter Lang. 265-82.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2008. Grace and the Transformation of Agency in Christ. In Redefining First-Century Jewish and Christian Identities. Udoh, F. E. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. 372-89.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2008. Manna and the Circulation of Grace: A Study of 2 Corinthians 8:1-15. In The Word Leaps the Gap: Essays on Scripture and Theology in Honour of Richard B. Hays. Wagner, J. R., Rowe, C. K. & Grieb, A. K. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 409-26.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2007. “Offensive and Uncanny” Jesus and Paul on the Caustic Grace of God. In Jesus and Paul Reconnected. Still, T. D. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 1-17.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2007. Constructing Judean Identity after 70 C.E.: A Study of Josephus’ Against Apion. In Identity and Interaction in the Ancient Mediterranean. Crook, Z. E. & Harland, P. A. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. 99-112.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2007. Snarling Sweetly: Josephus on Images and Idolatry. In Memory in the Bible and Antiquity. Barton, S. C., Stuckenbruch, L. T. & Wold, B. G. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 365-85.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2006. 'By the Grace of God I Am what I Am: Grace and Agency in Philo and Paul. In Divine and Human Agency in Paul and His Cultural Environment. Barclay, J. M. G. & Gathercole, S. J. London.: T & T Clark. 140-157. (View publication online)
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2006. Money and Meetings: Group Formation among Diaspora Jews and Early Christians. In Vereine, Synagogen und Gemeinden im kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien. Gutsfeld, A. & Koch, D.-A. Tübigen: Mohr Siebeck. 113-27.
Научные статьи
- Barclay, J.M.G. 2010. "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy": The Golden Calf and Divine Mercy in Romans 9-11 and Second Temple Judaism. Early Christianity (1): 82-106.
- Barclay, J.M.G. 2010. Food, Christian Identity and Global Warming: A Pauline Call for a Christian Food Taboo. Expository Times 121(12): 585-93.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2010. Paul and the Philosophers: Alain Badiou and the Event. New Blackfriars
- Barclay, J.M.G. 2010. Paul, the Gift and the Battle over Gentile Circumcision: Revisiting the Logic of Galatians. Australian Biblical Review (58): 36-56.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2009. Security and Self-Sufficiency: A Comparison of Paul and Epictetus. Ex Auditu 24: 60-72.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2008. Is it Good News that God is Impartial? A Response to Robert Jewett, Romans: A Commentary. JSNT 31: 89-111.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2008. Who’s the Toughest of them all? Jews, Spartans and Roman Torturers in Josephus’ Against Apion. Ramus 36(1): 39-50.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2007. “Am I not a Man and a Brother?’ The Bible and the British Anti-Slavery Campaign. Expository Times 119(1): 3-14.
- Barclay, J. M. G. 2007. There is Neither Old nor Young? Early Christianity and Ancient Ideologies of Age. NTS 53: 225-41.
- Barclay, John M.G. 2007. There is Neither Old Nor Young? Early Christianity and Ancient Ideologies of Age. New Testament Studies 53(2): 225-241. (View publication online)
Контакты: john.barclay@durham.ac.uk