Леё Ю.
Профессиональные интересы: Патрология, История Древней Церкви
Конфессии: Христианство
Краткая биографическая справка:
Обучалась в университетах Дарема и Бирмингема.
Преподавала в "Queen's College" (Бирмингем), "King's College" (Лондон) и университете Маккуайр (Сидней).
Является членом редакционных советов научных серий "Themes in Biblical Narratives" (Брилль), "Studies in Early Christianity" (Католический университет Америки) и др.
В настоящее время является профессором Кэмбриджского университета.
Академические интересы: гностицизм, раннехристианская история, патристика.
Библиография работ автора:
- I, II, & III John: A Commentary (Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox, 2008)
- Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004; paperback 2006).
- Neither Jew nor Greek: Constructing Early Christianity (Edinburgh: T.&T. Clark/ Continuum, 2002; paperback London: T&T Clark Int., 2005)
- The Gospel according to Luke (London: Epworth Press, 1997).
- Image and Reality. The Jews in the World of the Christians in the Second Century (Edinburgh: T.&T. Clark, 1996; paperback 2003)
- The Theology of the Johannine Epistles (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991).
- The Second and Third Epistles of John: History and Background (Edinburgh: T.&T. Clark, 1986)
Под редакцией
- with C. Hempel, Biblical Traditions in Transmission: Essays in Honour of Michael A. Knibb (Leiden: Brill, 2006)
- with J. Rogerson, The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies (Oxford; Oxford University Press, 2006).
- with J. North, & T. Rajak, The Jews between Pagans and Christians (London: Routledge, 1992; Second edition, paperback, 1994).
Избранные статьи и эссе
- ‘Jews, Christians and “Pagans” in Conflict’, in Critique and Apologetics: Jews, Christians and Pagans in Antiquity, ed. Anders-Christian Jacobsen, Jörg Ulrich, David Brakke (Frankfurt: Lang, 2009) pp. 43-58
- 'Us or You? Persuasion and Identity in 1 John', Journal of Biblical Literature 127 (2008) pp. 805-19.
- 'Gedächtnis und Identität: Die frühchristliche Entdeckung einer Vergangenheit', in ed. J. Dummer & M. Vielberg, Leitbilder im Spannungsfeld von Orthodoxie und Heterodoxie (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2008) pp. 157-70.
- 'Literary Strategies of Personification', in Identity Formation in the New Testament, ed. Bengt Holmberg & Mikael Winninge (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008) pp. 61-78.
- 'The Gospel of John and Anti-Judaism', in John and Christian Theology, ed. R. Bauckham & C. Mosser (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2008) pp. 168-82.
- 'Charity in early Christian thought and practice', in ed. Dionysios Stathakopoulos, The Kindness of Strangers: Charity in the Pre-Modern Mediterranean (CHS Occasional Publications; London: King's College London, 2007) pp. 13-20.
- 'Bible, Empowerment and Institution', in Poverty, Empowerment, Institutions, ed. C. Sedmak & T. Böhler (Vienna: LIT, 2007) pp. 281-88.
- 'Messiah and Resistance in the Gospel and Epistles of John', in Redemption and Resistance: The Messianic Hopes of Jews and Christians in Antiquity, ed.M. Bockmuehl & J. Carleton Paget (London: T.&T. Clark, 2007) pp. 97-108.
- ‘Where did Jews and Christians Meet (or Part Ways)’, in Los Comienzos del Cristianismo, ed. S. Guijarro (Bibliotheca Salmanticensis, Salamanca, 2006) pp. 217-32.
- 'Justin Martyr and the Transformation of Psalm 22', in Biblical Traditions in Transmission, ed. C. Hempel & J. M. Lieu (Leiden, Brill, 2006) pp. 195-211.
- 'The Jewish Matrix', in The Cambridge History of Christianity I, ed. M. Mitchell & F. M. Young (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006) pp. 214-229.
- 'Reading Jesus in the Wilderness', in Wilderness. Essays in Honour of Frances Young, ed. R. S. Sugirtharajah (London: T.&T. Clark International, 2005) pp. 88-100.
- 'How John Writes', in The Written Gospel, ed. M. Bockmuehl & D. Hagner (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005) pp. 171-183.
- 'The Synagogue and the Separation of the Christians', in The Ancient Synagogue from its Origins until 200 C.E., ed. B. Olsson & M. Zetterholm (CB. NTS 39. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 2003) pp. 189–207.
- 'Impregnable ramparts and walls of iron'. Boundary and Identity in 'Judaism' and 'Christianity', NTS 48 (2002) 297–313.
- 'Not Hellenes but Philistines?', JJS 53 (2002) 246–63.
- 'Anti-Judaism in the Fourth Gospel: Explanation and Hermeneutics' in Anti-Judaism and the Fourth Gospel, ed. R. Bieringer et al. (JCH 1. Assen, Netherlands: Van Gorcum/ Louisville, PA: WJK, 2001) pp. 126-143.
- 'Temple and Synagogue in John', New Testament Studies 45 (1999) 51-69
- 'The Attraction of Women in/to early Judaism and Christianity: Gender and the Politics of Conversion' Journal for the Study of the New Testament.72 (1998) 5-22
- 'The Mother of the Son in the Fourth Gospel', Journal of Biblical Literature 117 (1998) 55-71
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Tel.: 01223 763018 Fax: 01223 763003Email: jml68@cam.ac.uk