Сонг Р.
Профессиональные интересы: Апологетическое (основное) богословие, Нравственное богословие, Миссия Церкви
Конфессии: Англиканские церкви

Краткая биографическая справка:

Глава Департамента богословия и религии Даремского университета (Великобритания).

Доктор богословия (PhD).

Научные интересы: биоэтика, христианская этика, Церковь и общество.

Библиография работ автора:




Статьи в сборниках
  • Robert Song 2010. Bonhoeffer and the Biotechnological Imagination. In Bonhoeffer and the Biosciences: An Initial Exploration. Ralf K. Wüstenberg, Stefan Heuser & Esther Hornung Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 75-87.
  • Robert Song 2009. Humanity, Divinity and Interspecies Embryos. In The Legal, Medical and Cultural Regulation of the Body: Transformation and Transgression. Stephen W. Smith & Ronan Deazley Farnham: Ashgate. 127-141.
  • Mark Bratton 2009. The Bible and Human Genetics. In God, Ethics and the Human Genome. London: Church House Publishing. 33-45.
  • Robert Song 2007. Conclusion: Fragility and Grace, Theology and Disability’. In Theology, Disability and the New Genetics: Why Science Needs the Church. John Swinton & Brian Brock London: T & T Clark. 234-44.
  • Robert Song 2004. 'Sharing Communion: Hunger, Food, GM Foods and Population Growth'. In The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics. Stanley Hauerwas & Samuel Wells (eds.) Oxford: Blackwell. 388-400.
  • Robert Song 2003. 'The Human Genome Project as Soteriological Project'. In Brave New World? Theology, Ethics and the Human Genome. Celia Deane-Drummond London: T. & T. Clark. 164-184.
  • Robert Song 2003. To Be Willing to Kill What for All One Knows Is A Person Is to Be Willing to Kill a Person. In God and the Embryo Religious Voices on Stem Cells and Cloning. Brent Waters & Ronald Cole-Turner Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. 98-107. (View publication online)
  • Song, Robert. 2002. 'Whose Sanctity of Life? Ricoeur, Dworkin and the Human Embryo'. In Holiness Past and Present. Barton, Stephen. London: T. & T. Clark. 460-476. (View publication online)
  • Robert Song 1999. 'Wisdom as the End of Morality'. In Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?. Stephen C. Barton (ed.) Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark. 295-306.
  • Robert Song 1994. 'Political Life'. In Veritatis Splendor: An Anglican Response. Charles Yeats (ed.) Norwich: The Canterbury Press. 57-68.

Статьи в академических журналах

Контакты: Telephone: 0191 33 43959 email: robert.song@durham.ac.uk

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