Родилась 20 мая 1945 в Голландии. Гражданка Канады.
В 1967 г. получила бакалаврскую степень по философии и классическим языкам в "Кальвин-колледже" (США). В 1971 г. стала магистром классических языков в Университете Торонто.
В 1978-86 гг. преподавала библеистику на Филиппинах - в "Asian Theological Seminary", "Alliance Biblical Seminary", "International School of Theology" и "Christian Reformed Seminary and Bible College".
В 1980 г. получила докторскую степень (PhD) по философии в Свободном университете Амстердама (Тема: "Плотин о душе").
В 1987-88 гг. являлась преподавателем классических языков и филологии в Университет Вилфрид Лауриер (Бельгия).
В 1988-95 гг. преподавала классические языки и филологию в Университете Торонто.
В 1995-2002 гг. преподавала на философском факультете МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова. (Курсы: "Герои, святые и мученики", "София как госпожа мудрость" и др.)
В 2003-2008 гг. работала в Высшей католической семинарии им. св. Августина (Джос, Нигерия). Параллельно преподавала в Теологическом колледже Северной Нигерии и в Университете Нигерии в Джосе (департамент религиозных исследований).
В 2004-2007 гг. преподавала в Нигерийской баптистской теологической семинарии.
В 2009 г. работала в Департаменте философии Свято-Августиновского университета в Танзании.
С 2010 г. преподает в Теологическом институте Гамбии (Кололи, Гамбия).
2011 Solovyov's Sophia as a Nineteenth-Century Russian Appropriation of Dante's Beatrice. Lewiston: E. Mellen Press.
2009 The Feminine Personification of Wisdom: A Study of Homer’s Penelope, Cappadocian Macrina, Boethius’ Philosophia and Dante’s Beatrice. Lewiston: E. Mellen Press.
2004 The Russian Idea, in Search of a New Identity (ed.). Bloomington, Indiana: Slavica Publishers,
1994 Hellenization Revisited. The Hellenistic Context of Judaism, Gnosticism and Early Christianity (ed.). (New York, UPA)
1990 Christianity and the Classics, The Acceptance of a Heritage (ed.). (New York, UPA)
1980 Soul-Sisters. A Commentary on Plotinus' Enneads IV 3 (27) 1-8 (Amsterdam, Rodopi). Examination of the relationship of the World-Soul and the Individual Soul in Plotinus' mystic writings.
Статьи и обзоры
"'Christ, the Wisdom of God': The Logic of Attribution in Augustine’s De Trinitate 5-7" Studia Patristica XLIX, 2010: 271-277.
"Plotinus and Magic" The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 4.2, 2010: 114-146.
"The Fullness of the Holy Spirit and Wisdom: The Qualifications of the Seven" African Journal for Transformational Scholarship 2.1, 2010: 1-20. Online at http://cpchea.org/ajts/
Review of Steve Mason (with editorial assistance of Michael W. Helfield), Josephus, Judea, and Christian Origins: Methods and Categories (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2009). For Sapientia Logos 2.1, 2009: 80-83.
Review of Michael F. Bird and James G. Crossley (with contributions from Scot McKnight and Maurice Casey), How Did Christianity Begin? A Believer and Non-Believer Examine the Evidence (London UK: SPCK; Peabody MA: Hendrickson, 2008). For Sapientia Logos 2.1, 2009: 86-88.
"Where can Wisdom be Found? Traditional Healing in the Contemporary African Context" Sapientia Logos 1.2, 2009: 259-291.
"Solov’ëv's Sophia as a Mediating Principle” in The Icon and The Bridge; Sophia in Orthodox Culture. Ed. Manon de Courten. Special issue of Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 59 (2007):185-211.
“Philosophy as Basis of Christian-Muslim Dialogue” TCNN Research Bulletin 48 (Sept.): 28-40.
“K. J. Popma and Lucian: A Critique of the Christian Fathers” in In the Phrygian Mode. Ed. Robert Sweetman. Lanham: University Press of America, with the Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto. 181-213.
"Corruption in High Places: Where are our Wise Men?" Biblical Studies and Corruption in Africa. Ed. S.O. Abogunrin. Biblical Studies Series 6. Ibadan: Nigerian Association of Biblical Studies. 62-91
"Gregory of Nyssa’s 'Sophia’: Christ, the Wisdom of God” in Studia Patristica: Papers presented at the Fourteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies (Oxford 2003). Eds. F. Young, M. Edwards and P. Parvis. Leuven: Peeters. vol. XLI:345-350.
“’Civil Society’ meets the ‘Russian Idea’” in Civil Society East and West . Proceedings of the Regional Conference for Europe, International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education, Moscow, Russia (Aug. 20-23, 2005). Ed. Peter Blokhuis. Sioux Center, Iowa: Dordt College Press. 82-116.
“’Reason Opposing the Passions’: Macrina as Embodiment of Wisdom in the De Anima et Resurrectione” in Jesus Christ in the Theology of St. Gregory of Nyssa . Ninth International Conference on St. Gregory of Nyssa (Athens, 7-12 September 2000). Ed. E. Moutsoulas. Athens: Theological Faculty of Athens University.557-75
“Justin Martyr and Kwame Bediako: Reflections on the Cultural Context of Christianity” Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology 24:3-18.
“The Biblical Canon: A response to Muhib O. Opeloye, Building Bridges of Understanding between Islam and Christianity in Nigeria” (2001), in TCNN Research Bulletin 41 (March 2004):31-42.
“Metaphora v literature i v philosophii: Philosophia / Sophia kak Gospoza. Moodrost’ ( Metaphor in literature and in philosophy: Philosophia/Sophia as Lady Wisdom)” published in Philosophia i literatura: materialy XI kharkivskyh miznarodnyh skovorodynivskyh chytan’ (“Philosophy and Literature: Papers presented at the Eleventh Skovoroda International Conference held in Kharkiv). Ed. A.M. Kryvulya. Kharkiv: Prometey–Pres, 2004:105-108.
Review ofCraig Brandist, The Bakhtin Circle. Philosophy, Culture and Politics (London, Sterling, Virginia: Pluto Press, 2002) for Studies in East European Thought 55.
Review of Frances Nethercott, Russia’s Plato. Plato and the Platonic Tradition in Russian Education, Science and Ideology (1840-1930) (Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing, 2000), in Studies in East European Thought 55:251-254 (online at the publisher's site: www.springerlink.com).
“The ‘Russian Idea’: Philosophical Considerations” (in Russian) Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta (Bulletin of Moscow State University), Seria 7, Philosophia, 1:86-100.
“The Russian Idea” Public Justice Report 26.3:6-7.
“Justin Martyr and the Logos: an Apologetical Strategy” Philosophia Reformata 67:128-147.
“Solovyov’s Plato” in Solov’evsky Sbornik Eds. I.V. Borisovoi, A.P. Kozyrev. Moskva: Institut Filosofii RAN:197-219.
Review of P. Valliere, Modern Russian Theology: Bukharev, Soloviev, Bulgakov. Orthodox Theology in a New Key. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2000. For Calvin Theological Journal vol.36.2:422-425.
“The Russian Idea/ Russkaya Ideya” Oil & Gas Eurasia 4:12-14.
“Cappadocian Macrina as Lady Wisdom” Studia Patristica: Papers presented at the Thirteenth International Conference on patristic studies (Oxford 1999). Ed. M.F. Wiles and E.J. Yarnold, Leuven: Peeters. Vol. XXXVII:86-102.
“Perspectives of Christian Higher Education in Philosophy” in Higher Education in XXI Century Russian Culture: A Christian Perspective St. Petersburg. 177-188.
“The World-Soul and Sophia in the Early Work of Solovyov ” in Vladimir Solov’ev - Reconciler and Polemicist.Eds. W. van den Bercken, M. de Courten, E. vander Zweerde. Leuven: Peeters. 163-184.
“Challenges Facing Russia Today: From Communism to Chaos” Pro Rege(Dordt College, Iowa) 29:11-17.
“Reading Plato for the 21st Century” Philosophia Reformata64:148-64.
“Mirovaya Dusha i Sophia v rannei rabote Solovyova (The World-Soul and Sophia in the early work of Solovyov) revised version of the paper in Vladimir Solov’ev - Reconciler and Polemicist ) in Obraz mira -struktura i tseloe (Image of the World- Structure and Whole) Moscow: Logos (1999). 465-72.
Review of David Bolotin, An Approach to Aristotle’s Physics, with Particular Attention to the Role of his Manner of Writing. For Philosophy in Review /Comptes rendus philosophiques 18:317-319.
“Orthodoxy and Platonism” Beweging 61:63-67.
“Penelope as Lady Philosophy” Phoenix49:283-302.
Review of Nancy Felson-Rubin, Regarding Penelope: From Character to Poetics. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1994. In Phoenix 50:70-71.
“Homer's Penelope: A Tale of Feminine Arete” Echos du Monde Classique /Classical Views39 n.s. 14:227-250.
Review of Catherine Osborne, Eros Unveiled, Plato and the God of Love. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994; for Bryn Mawr Reviews online: ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/1995/95.09.16.html.
Review of Marylin A. Katz, Penelope's Renown: Meaning and Indeterminacy in the Odyssey. Princeton: Princeton UP. In Phoenix 48:73-74.
Review of Jaroslav Pelikan, Christianity and Classical Culture, the Metamorphosis of Natural Theology in the Christian Encounter with Hellenism. New Haven and London: Yale UP, 1993. In Phoenix 48:179-180.
Facing the Challenge of Secularism, a Study Guide.The Reformed Ecumenical Council, Grand Rapids MI; also an unsigned paper on the historical roots of secularization, “Secularization and Secularism” for the section “Historical Perspectives” of the monograph which it accompanies, Facing the Challenge of Secularism (1991). 6-18
Review of A.P. Bos, In de Greep van de Titanen. Inleiding tot een hoofdstroming van de Griekse Filosofie(In the Grip of the Titans. Introduction to a Major Theme in Greek Philosophy). Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn, 1991. For Philosophia Reformata 56:191-194.
Review of P. W. Gooch, Partial Knowledge: Philosophical Studies in Paul. Chicago: University of Notre Dame Press, 1987. For Phoenix45:174-77.
“Philo of Alexandria on Deification and Assimilation to God” Studia Philonica Annual 2:51-71.
“Filipino Spirituality” in Reformed Spirituality. Ed. P.G. Schrotenboer.A special volume of Theological Forum 15:43-49.
“Mysticism and the Filipino Christian Church” Occasional Paper of ISACC (Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture), Quezon City, Philippines.
“Augustine's Early Writings on a Liberal Arts Education” in Hearing and Doing. Toronto: Wedge. 119-133
Материалы, готовящиеся к публикации
"Augustine and Philo of Alexandria's 'Sarah' as a Wisdom Figure (De Civitate Dei 15. 2-3; 16. 25-32)" Submitted to Studia Patristica: Papers presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies (Oxford 2011).
"'Abraham had two sons' Augustine and the allegory of Sarah and Hagar (Gal. 4.21-31)" Submitted to Calvin Theological Journal.
Early Christianity: An African Perspective. A study of Early Christianity from its Beginnings to the Fall of the Roman Empire in the West. Co-authored with Musa A.B. Gaiya. Submitted for publication with African Christian Textbooks (Bukuru, Nigeria).
Review of Elizabeth Ann Dively Lauro. The Soul and Spir it of Scripture within Origen's Exegesis . Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005. Submitted to Sapientia Logos(Jos, Nigeria).
Advanced New Testament Greek . A syllabus for reading and exegesis of the New Testament in the original Greek. Submitted for publication with African Christian Textbooks (Bukuru, Nigeria).
“Understanding Jesus' Critique of Contemporary Political Leadership. Analysis of the key verb katexousiadzein(Matthew 20.25)” Submitted for publication with the Nigerian Association of Biblical Studies.
"Teaching Patristics for Islamic Students" Presented at the Oxford International Patristics Conference (2007). Submitted to the Nigerian journal Orita.