Харви С.
Профессиональные интересы: История Древней Церкви, Философия, Культурология, Литературоведение, Монастыри и монашество
Конфессии: Англиканские церкви

Краткая биографическая справка:

Профессор религиоведения Брауновского университета (США).


В 1975 г. получила степень бакалавра, окончив колледж Grinnell (штат Айова, США).

В 1977 г. стала магистром литературы, защитив диссертацию "Authority and Influence in Fourth Century Cappadocia: A Study in the Letters of St. Basil".

В 1982 г. защитила докторскую диссертацию (Ph.D.) "Asceticism and Society: A Study in John of Ephesus' Lives of the Eastern Saints" в Центре византийских исследований бирмингемского университета.

Академическая карьера:

1978-82 гг. - преподаватель сирийского языка Бирмингемского университета;

1980-82 гг. - лектор по богословию Бирмингемского университета (Великобритания);

1981-82 гг. - ассистент по преподаванию греческого языка Нового Завета Бирмингемского университета;

1982-83 гг. - лектор по Новому Завету Университета Северной Каролины (США);

1983-87 гг. - профессор религиоведения Университета Рочестера (США);

1987-1991 гг. - приглашенный профессор религиоведения Брауновского университета (США);

1991-2002 гг. - профессор религиоведения Брауновского университета (США);

2002-08 гг. - постоянный профессор религиоведения Брауновского университета (США);

С 2008 г. - почетный профессор религиоведения Брауновского университета (США).

Научные интересы: богословские традиции древней Сирии и Византии, монашество, аскетика, гимнография, религиозные культуры.

Библиография работ автора:

Избранная библиография


Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies, co-editor with David G. Hunter (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008).
Scenting Salvation: Ancient Christianity and the Olfactory Imagination (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006).
Holy Women of the Syrian Orient, co-authored with S.P. Brock (Berkeley: University of California Press 1987). Updated paperback edition with new Preface (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998). Arabic edition, Cadmus S A Harvey CV 2
Publishing and Distribution (in conjunction with the Syrian Orthodox Archdiocese of Aleppo), Damascus, 2000. Romanian edition, Editura Sofia, Bucarest, 2005.
Asceticism and Society in Crisis: John of Ephesus and the 'Lives of the Eastern Saints' (Berkeley: University of California Press 1990).


Jacob of Serug on Jephthah’s Daughter, Bilingual Syriac-English edition, with introduction and commentary; co-authored with Ophir Muentz-Manor (Gorgias Press, 2010) .
“Women’s Voices Bearing Witness: Biblical Memory in Ancient Orthodox Liturgy,” Orthodoxy in America Annual Lecture, (Fordham University Press, 2009).
Volume Editor for the Writings of the Greco-Roman World Series, Scholars Press: The Rabbula Corpus, ed. and trans. Cornelia Horn and Robert Phenix, Jr. (Scholars Press, 2008).
The Acts of Mar Mari, ed. and trans. Amir Harrak (Scholars Press, 2005). b. Chapters in Books / Encyclopedia entries “Biblical Women in Syriac Christianity,” for The Bible and Women/Donna e Bibbia: An Encyclopedia of Exegesis and Cultural History, Vol. V.1: Ancient Use of Biblical Texts in Constructing Female Gender Models, ed. Kari Elizabeth Boerresen and Emanuela Prinzivalli (to be published in four languages by Irmtraud Fischer, Mercedes Navarro, Jorunn Oekland, Adriana Valerio).
“The Despised Woman: Jacob of Serug at the Nativity Feast,” Festschrift for Alice Mary Talbot, ed. Elizabeth Fisher, Denis Sullivan, and Eustratios Papaioannou (Leiden: Brill, 2010).
“Biblical Memory in Syriac Tradition” and “Biblical Women as Images of Church in Early Syriac Literature,” in Stories and Images: the Bible in the Early Church, Antioch and Syria, ed. Samuel Rubenson (Lund University Press, Sweden, 2009). In Swedish.
“Holy Impudence, Sacred Desire: the Women of Matthew 1: 1-16 in Syriac Tradition,” in If These Stones Could Speak: Texts and Contexts, ed. George Kalantzis and Thomas Martin (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2009), 27-48.
“Incense and Olfactory Experience in Worship,” Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, ed. Daniel Patte (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).
"Hagiography," "John of Ephesus," "Monasticism," "Rabbula of Edessa “, “Theodora”, “Women in Syriac Tradition,” for the Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage, ed. Sebastian Brock, George Kiraz and Lucas Van Rompay (Gorgias Press, forthcoming).
"Housekeeping: An Ascetic Theme in Late Antiquity," "To Train His Spirit with Books": Studies in Syrian Asceticism in honor of Sidney H. Griffith, ed. Robin A. Darling Young and Monica Blanchard (Catholic University of America Press, 2009).
“Bride of Blood, Bride of Light: Biblical Women as Images of Church in Jacob of Serug,” Malphono w-Rabo d-Malphone: Festschrift for Sebastian P. Brock, ed. George Kiraz (Gorgias Press, 2008), 189-218.
“Martyrology and Hagiography”, Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies, ed. S.A. Harvey and D.G. Hunter (Oxford University Press, 2008), 603-27.
"Syria and Mesopotamia," Cambridge History of Christianity, Vol. 1: Early Christianity: Origins to Constantine, ed. Margaret Mitchell and Frances M. Young (Cambridge University Press, 2006), 351-65.
“Locating the Sensing Body: Perception and Religious Identity in Late Antiquity,” The Religious Self in Antiquity, ed. David Brakke and Michael Satlow (Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 2005). Pp 140-62.
“ ‘Incense in Our Land’: Julian Saba and Early Syrian Christianity,” Wilderness: Essays in Honour of Frances M. Young, ed. R. S. Sugirtharajah (T & T Clark, 2005). Pp. 120-31.
"On Mary's Voice: Gendered Words in Syriac Marian Tradition," The Cultural Turn in Late Ancient Studies: Gender, Asceticism, and Historiography Ed. Patricia Cox Miller and Dale Martin (Duke University Press, 2004). Pp. 63-86.
“Women in the Syrian Christian Context,” co-authored with Eva Synek, Women in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia, ed. Katharina Wilson and Nadia Margolis (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2004) 2: 871-8.
"Healing the Christian Body: An Ancient Syriac Theme," Good and Faithful Servant: Stewardship in the Orthodox Tradition, ed. A. Scott (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2003), pp.57-70.
"Women and Words: Texts on or by Women," ch. 35, Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature ed. Lewis Ayres, Andrew Louth, and Frances M. Young (Cambridge University Press 2004), pp. 382-90.
“Why the Perfume Mattered: the Sinful Woman in Syriac Exegetical Tradition," In Dominico Eloquio/ In Lordly Eloquence: Essays on Patristic Exegesis in Honor of Robert Wilken, ed. P. Blowers, A. Christman, D. Hunter, and R. Darling Young (Eerdmans, 2001), 69-89.
"Syriac Christian Thought," Oxford Companion to Christian Thought, ed. Adrian Hastings et al. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000) 692-3. Repr. Christian Thought: A Brief History, ed. Adrian Hastings, Alistair Mason, Hugh Pyper (Oxford, 2002), 33-7.
"Antioch and Christianity," in Antioch: the Lost Ancient City, ed. C. Kondoleon (Princeton University Press, 2000) 39-49.
"Olfactory Knowing: Signs of Smell in the Lives of Simeon Stylites," After Bardaisan: Studies on Continuity and Change in Syriac Christianity in Honor of Han J. W. Drijvers, ed. G.J. Reinink and A.C. Klugkist (Leuven: Peeters Press, 1999) 23-34.
"Almsgiving," "Anchorites," "Asceticism," "Bnay Qyomo," "Dendrites," "Encratites," "Holy Fools," Guide to the Late Antique World, ed. G.W. Bowersock, Peter Brown, and Oleg Grabar (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999) 287-8, 298, 317-8, 344, 407, 425-6, 495-6.
"Incense Offerings in the Syriac Transitus Mariae: Ritual and Knowledge in Ancient Christianity," The Early Church in its Context: Essays in Honor of Everett Ferguson, ed. Abraham Malherbe, Frederick W. Norris, and James W. Thompson (Leiden: Brill, 1998) 175-91.
"Johannes von Ephesus," (with H. Brakmann) Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum 18 (1997) 554-63.
"Women in the Syriac Tradition," Woman in Prism and Focus: Her Profile in Major World Religions and in Christian Traditions, ed. Prasanna Vazheeparampil, CMC (Rome: Mar Thoma Yogam, 1996) 69-80. Reprinted with permission in St. Nina Quarterly 1.4 (fall 1997).
" 'There Were Also Many Women There': Women and the Foundation of the Church," The First One Hundred Years: a Centenniel Anthology Celebrating Antiochian Orthodoxy in North America, ed. G. S. Corey, P.E. Gillquist, A. G. Mackoul, J. Sam, P. Schneirla (Englewood, NJ: Antakya Press, 1995) 141-67.
"The Odes of Solomon," Searching the Scriptures: a Feminist-Ecumenical Commentary, E. Schüssler Fiorenza, ed., (New York: Crossroad, 1994 ) 86-98.
"The Memory and Meaning of a Saint: Two Homilies on Simeon Stylites," Festschrift for Sebastian P. Brock, ed. Shafiq Abouzayd, Aram 5/6 (1993-4) 1-23. S A Harvey CV 4
"Introduction" to Encomiastica from the Pierpont Morgan Library, ed. Leo Depuydt, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 545/ Scriptores Coptici 48 (Louvain: Peeters, 1993) v-xvii.
"The Holy and the Poor: Models from Early Syriac Christianity," 'Through the Eye of the Needle': Judeo-Christian Roots of Social Welfare, ed. Emily Albu Hanawalt and Carter Lindberg (Thomas Jefferson University Press 1994) 43-66.
Foreword to Robert Doran, The Lives of Simeon Stylites (Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1992) 7-12.
"Women in Early Byzantine Hagiography: Reversing the Story", 'That Gentle Strength': Historical Perspectives on Women and Christianity, ed. L.Coon, K. Haldane, and E. Sommer (Charlottesville/ London: Univ. of Virginia Press 1990) 36-59.
"Jacob of Serug's Homily on Simeon the Stylite," Ascetic Behavior in Greco-Roman Antiquity: A Sourcebook, ed. V.Wimbush (Philadelphia: Fortress 1990), 1-15.
"John of Ephesus","Nestorianism", "Nestorius", "Persia", "Philoxenus of Mabbug", "Rabbula of Edessa", for the Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, ed. E. Ferguson, M. McHugh, F. Norris, and D. Scholer (New York: Garland, 1990; 2nd ed. 1997) 499, 644-647, 648, 717-8, 732, 775.
"Women in Early Syrian Christianity", Images of Women in Antiquity, ed. A. Cameron and A. Kurht (London: Routledge, 1983, rev. ed. 1993) 288-98.
"The Politicisation of the Byzantine Saint", The Byzantine Saint, ed. S. Hackel, Studies Supplementary to Sobornost 5 (London: Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, 1981) 37-43.
"Syriac Hagiography: An Emporium of Cultural Influences", Horizons in Semitic Studies: Articles for the Student, ed. J.H. Eaton (Birmingham, England: Birmingham University, 1980) 59-68.

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