Вышел новый номер "The Journal of Ecclesiastical History"

Основные статьи этого номера:

St Edith of Polesworth and her Cult
Nigel Tringham

The Rus Archbishop Peter at the First Council of Lyon
Alexander V. Maiorov

Thomas Wolf c. Richard de Abingdon,1293–1295: A Case Study of Legal Argument
Sarah B. White

Durham Cathedral and Cuthbert Tunstall: a Cathedral and its Bishop during the Reformation, 1530–1559
Elizabeth Biggs

The King James Bible: Crown, Church and People
Kenneth Fincham

The Fight for Inheritances in the Papal States during the Restoration, 1814–1830
Christopher Korten

Instructing the Heavenly King: Joseph Edkins's Mission to Correct the Theology of Hong Xiuquan
Carl S. Kilcourse

The Troubled Knot: Tying Church Discipline to ‘Christian Marriage’ in African Contexts
Jennifer C. Snow

Кроме того, в журнале представлено несколько десятков рецензий на новую научную литературу.

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